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RE: I Love Steemworld

in #dapps5 years ago

Well, you and I are on the same page as far as more investing goes. :) I'm probably closer to a nickel, though. It is a pretty steep climb to 50,000 SP. You look like you're well on your way, though. :)

re: game design

I hear you. We definitely need more commerce going on the platform, and something we can earn STEEM with beyond what already be here. It seems like dev work is getting all the love with the alliances and the foundations and the worker proposals.

re: fund it

I've not tried it, but there is always fundition. I have a few projects of my own I'd love to get off the ground, but it feels like it's too early in the game for that, unless people are willing to do it for the experience and potential exposure until money can be made.