in #darkness6 years ago

I embrace the darkness for a reason
Though i love,, i despise meetings
So i work for her to be the reason
I read alot to be better
Visit the gym to be stronger
So I embrace the darkness
She becomes my mistress
Only her do I comfortably caress.
She's my soft mattress ..
We don't see one another
So she doesn't know I'm ugly
Wouldn't reject me cause I have a gully..
All she cares about is my belly
To feed and make grow daily..
Don't take my solace away
Don't get me stuffs and arrays
Someday you all would betray
But here,, here in the darkness,, no ones a gay
The passion never dies.
No one cries,,
We all don't eat fries
Darkness never rise
And then,,
.......Someone turned the lights on
Still,, they came again
Took her away
Now I have to adjust,,
Guessed what helped
Love,, Love I shared with the darkness
Now becomes someone's,,
Though not totally requited,,
Darkness thought me a lot of things
Get used to it,, So I keep the love
At least it makes me survive..
Darkness,, cace,, love,, Still in connect