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RE: DAVOS 2023: The Greatest Conspiracy Theory Of Them All

in #davoslast year

Imagine the entire Davos leaders all wiped out……imagine that beautiful world. But with 5000 paid military bodyguards (high profile order following sheep) that must know that the fate of even their own families are at stake in that very conference, money comes first and commitment to tyranny, THEN their families! How sad is that?! How sad is that! Humans can be trained like dangerous dogs to be numb to their own destruction and trained to protect their trainers/owners until they are dead themselves, its utter insanity. This world has completely lost its freaking mind. I wish we had a fresh start somewhere else far far away from these utter control freaks so that they could never obtain such insane wealth or positions of power and corruption ever again. Then I woke up, still surrounded by sheeple EVERYWHERE I go 🤦🏼‍♂️


Imagine that the Swiss military suddenly realizes that since 1973 testosterone has declined by more than 60%, and the average Swiss penis is ~1cm shorter than his grandfather's. God help the banksters in Davos the day that happens. What they have considered their possessions and assets will become their judges, executioners, and free at last. It's just a matter of time. All of the machinations Machiavellian would be masters are undertaking are just demonstrating that 'Cash is King', and 'Apres moi, le deluge' like Louis XIV (or XV. It doesn't matter unless you're Louis XVI, because that's when the reign fell (pun intended)). They're just trying to keep the good times rolling for them as long as possible before they hang by the neck until dead, and they'll commit any crime, and do any evil thing, to stave off that judgment day.

The sooner the soldiers learn they've been horrifically medically harmed by the oligarchs they're guarding, the sooner the genocide ends.