Davos Globorats Depopulating, Enslaving and Saving The World, One Swiss Après-Ski At A Time

in #davoslast year

Davos Globorats Depopulating, Enslaving and Saving The World, One Swiss Après-Ski At A Time

Nothing like a gluttony of globorats in fur ski-hats conspiring over Swiss-cheese fondue to set aright the world’s trumped-up power and plandemic problems. Except maybe a 20-year-old Swedish woke-tard in a German “arrest” psyop.

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***** Sources for this video *****

Intro vid: Davos Reset:

Hitler Fled to Argentina: https://vault.fbi.gov/adolf-hitler/adolf-hitler-part-01-of-04/view

Check out today’s video..!


New World Odor. I see what you did there.

The memes are great on this one!

One of my favorites right now

Also this

"I seez za need fur a great reset. Owning nuthing, being happy, paying us a carbon tax while EATING ZE BUGS und DRINKING ZE SEWAGE vill help solve zee klimate krisis. Fur more information, read mein buch called Ze Great Reset.

Heil Greta und ze new king, who naturally is a member of ze Vorld Economic Forum und under mein control.”

Are there chem trails in MX?