spring is springing, March

in #dbkad5 years ago

‘People are flowers’,

If your water was pure,

Yours would bloom, too.

The grass is greener on the side you water, no?

Start fresh today.

Many thanks to @apsu giving the kid a shout.


The first picture caught my attention. It's unusual to see the focus in this way and it's good to see some new perspective. The second picture is of course the 'standard' way of focusing and I was thinking for a while which one I like better. Naturally, I would say the second one as it's the 'normal' one but there is something about the first one that makes me like it a lot..

Thank you for sharing and have a great weekend!

I appreciate the thoughts! It did occur to me, thanks to a brilliant idea from a friend about this very setup, it could rather powerful if I play with what I present initially. I'm glad to hear it had the desired effect..

It was really cool to see the background focused in the first picture... I'm just not used to seeing things that way and it was really surprising. It made the second one so satisfying to look at.

You know what it reminded me of? Music, kind of. When there is a lot of suspense in the chord progression then it resolves and everything feels right. Well done.

Thank you Lem, you've given me an idea.

Talk that shit then

Posted using Partiko iOS

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I appreciate your support, and give thanks to the kind folks at @c-squared. I would not mind using my vote.

Beautiful photos and beautiful model. :)

Thank you. We're really amateurs.

You don't look like amateurs. Your photos look so proffesional for me. :)