The Great Challenge - Week 49

Week 49 of The Great Challenge with Dean has come and gone, but I remain.

Victorious, once more.

I am making this challenge my bitch, yo! :P

Here are the stories from The Great Challenge so far:

  1. Red Orchid - Romance - 3,800 words
  2. Debts And Obligations - Sword and Sorcery - 14,200 words
  3. Naughty And Nice - Modern Fantasy - 4,800 words
  4. Popper's - Mystery - 4,100 words
  5. The Case Of The Missing Rocker - SciFi/Mystery - 7,200 words
  6. Fences And Neighbors - Post-Apocalyptic - 4,800 words
  7. Give A Dog A Bone - Doggy Mystery - 3,200 words
  8. Untitled - Romance - 5,300 words
  9. Lost On Cordant Station - Science Fiction - 8,560 words
  10. Kicking The Anthill - Urban Fantasy/Adventure - 3,863 words
  11. VIP Treatment - Modern Fantasy - 6,012 words
  12. A Man Of Faith - Religious/Supernatural Thriller Maybe? - 9,013 words
  13. Abe's Liquors - Romantic Suspense - 2,951 words
  14. Cave Diving For Dummies - Sea Story/Suspense - 3,491 words
  15. Work Release - Science Fiction - 4,910 words
  16. Miss Melody And The Elf Spa - Fantasy - 4,175 words
  17. Joyride To The Moon - YA Science Fiction - 5,444 words
  18. Moonstruck - Fantasy/Horror - 4,683 words
  19. Wire Runs - Science Fiction - 2,119 words
  20. Miss Melody And The Knight Gallant - Fantasy - 5,573 words
  21. Lost Credit - Fantasy/Sword And Sorcery - 4,407 words
  22. Hunting For Game - Mystery/Crime - 2,474 words
  23. Caledonia - Science Fiction/Horror - 4,870 words
  24. Love In The Apocalypse - Science Fiction/Horror - 3,389 words
  25. Playing For Scraps - Science Fiction - 5,307 words
  26. Terran New Year - Scifi/Romance - 3,103 words
  27. Santa Fe Station - Mystery/Crime - 5,486 words
  28. Finding Bobby Jenkins - Science Fiction - 7,552 words
  29. Warden's Trial - Sword and Sorcery - 3,790 words
  30. On The Road To Hopefell - Post-Apocalyptic - 4,041 words
  31. Wolves On Cornell Street - Fantasy - 5,032 words
  32. Terra Infirma - Science Fiction - 6,316 words
  33. The Eternal Ride Of Brom Bones - Fantasy - 4,101 words
  34. Liquor Coolers - Fantasy - 3,517 words
  35. Sacred Vows - Spiritual/Romance - 6,547 words
  36. Shell Shock - Contemporary/War - 2,190 words
  37. The Greenhorn Tree - Fantasy - 4,425 words
  38. A Cabin In The Woods - Contemporary - 2,308 words
  39. Revelator - Fantasy - 4,253 words
  40. Cupid's Arrow - Fantasy/Romance - 4,407 words
  41. Heaven's Gate - Science Fiction/Mystery - 5,548 words
  42. Drilling For Gold - Science Fiction/Crime - 3,271 words
  43. Drops In The Storm - Crime - 1,990 words
  44. Miss Melody And The Spruce Trail - Fantasy - 3,776 words
  45. The Briefcase - Crime/Thriller - 3,720 words
  46. Legacy - Fantasy/Sword and Sorcery - 4,394 words
  47. Sea Legs - Sea Adventure/Fantasy - 4,394 words
  48. Candlemass - Science Fiction - 4,106 words
  49. Bridge Mending - Fantasy - 3,473 words

Dunno about you, but I ain't tired of winning just yet.

Which is why I am running that Kickstarter campaign I told you about before.

It's going strong. 60% funded with a bit over 2 weeks to go. It started off gangbusters then stalled over the last week as Corona-chan gave people a case of the WTFs. And as part of the normal Kickstarter funding cycle.

I'm told it's entirely normal for campaigns to get a big surge at the beginning, very little in the middle, then another surge at the end. So I'm not overly concerned; indeed I'm still confident of success in this endeavor.

But that requires....YOU!

Yes, you in the back seats. If you haven't already backed the campaign, GO DO IT NOW.

Then go tell all your friends about it.

Only you can prevent campaign failure. So get on it, soldier.

That's all I've got for this one. Talk to you again soon.

If you enjoy my work and wish to help me continue creating fun stories, consider becoming a supporting member of the website. Just a few dollars a month will go a long way toward enabling me to produce more great works for your enjoyment.

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Copyright © 2020 by Michael Kingswood. All rights reserved. No copies may be made or distributed without the express written permission of the author.

Parties interested in licensing rights to this, or any other of Michael's work, should contact [email protected].

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