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RE: My rather unique grieving process- indoor skydiving.

in #death6 years ago

Hey. Thank you for this post and sorry for the loss. I lost my mom last last year and since I live halfway around the world was not able to spend much time with her near the end. I do not know every small detail of what went on with her toward the end but I do know that I loved her immensely and she did me and in the end that is really the only thing that matters.

This life is so strange. Just as you begin to figure things out you are in physical decline. But in a weird way, if you back away from it a bit it all kind of makes sense.

We are here to experience and to take each event as a moment in time and to appreciate it. To do this we have to slow down a bit and take it all in. We must also learn about ourselves and what we need to gain some balance. It sounds like you have done that.

Stay strong and know that your Uncle is always with you and understood everything you never got to say. Keep learning and keep being a great person. You will be fine as he is now. God bless your Uncle, you and your family.