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RE: The Dirty Four Letter Word No One Likes to Talk About: DEBT

in #debt6 years ago

"The borrower is servent to the lender."
Awesome job man, I've been there. Mine was probably a lot worse 180k, only 70k was the house... I look back on it and think "boy I was stupid."
Dave Ramsey is good, I don't agree with everything he teaches but the main principles are definitely sound, and it works. I actually started out with some Larry Burkett stuff, a lot of it is very similar, they have a lot of free resources on the "Money Map" is great.
Great post, thanks for sharing. You probably saved someone's life by sharing this.


I will definitely check out Larry Burkett and Thanks for the info. I still make stupid mistakes every so often but the difference now is I recognize them (mostly afterwards).

Thanks for the post

Well, our hindsight is usually 20/20. I think we all make stupid mistakes, I'm pretty good at making them.