How to use the DEC:VOUCHER liquidity pool on BeeSwap

in #dec2 years ago

I posted an article about the DEC:Voucher liquidity pool Earn more airdrop rewards before they go away, but I realized a lot of people aren't familiar with liquidity pools. I'm new to them myself and I have found that they aren't hard to use. I will try to step through the process. I use You have to link it to your Hive KeyChain. (If you aren't familiar with this, there are other videos and tutorials out there that you can search for.)
The first step is to get your vouchers and DEC over to your Hive Engine wallet. Go to your wallet on


Click on the little double arrow symbol to transfer the DEC and Vouchers to your HiveEngine wallet. They have to be in equal amounts of value, which at the time of this writing is about 1300 DEC per Voucher. Once you have done this, you can choose the Hive Engine tab and confirm that they are transferred.


Now, you change over to the Swap menu at the top right of the page:


Now switch to the Add Liquidity tab and start typing "DEC:" and you will see the list below:


Select "DEC:VOUCHER" from the list:


Now you can add an amount to one of the fields and it will calculate how much you need of the other token to add liquidity to the pool. (If you don't have enough of either, the box will turn red. You have to add more or decrease your amount.):


That's really all there is to it. If you add too much at one time to the pool it will give you an error because it doesn't want one user driving market conditions, so start small and as the pool grows this will be less of a problem. Enjoy!