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RE: decentralised ???

in #decentraised4 years ago

The entire idea of a community is for it to be an owned place where there is moderation. Hive itself is totally decentralized you can post whatever you want on your own blog. A community is is thematic usually in nature but is a separate layer on top of the blockchain using a software called hivemind... that software allows for moderation. And communities are not censor-less locations no one ever has claimed that , they were in fact built on the idea of allowing people to create a moderated thematic location... otherwise use topic-tags if you don't need moderation.


in my mind theres the block chain,,, and then theres all these like entry points to it, like peakd, and steemit and steempeak etc... when i posted something i was just trying to make sure people on steempeak and peakd would see it... i didnt realise i was posting into communities about peakd, i thought i was posting on peakd... if that makes sense... but i get it now and apologise obviously.

yeah no worries ... just use and post it to your own blog and anyone and everyone on all those platforms can see it. Communities are a totally separate thing ... kind of separate from the blockchain to be honest... they're an organization tool within the blockchain.

I can understand the confusion thanks for working to figure it out.

ok, im not doing stuff on purpose u know!! im just trying to use the thing and keep getting warned lol... thanks for your help tho im still learning