Introduction of team member: Barefoot Mouse

Hi I’m Maurice (Barefoot Mouse), born in the Netherlands. 

I have been working in the IT for 10 years with various roles (System Administrator, Adviser, Support, Network Administrator) about 2 years ago I got interested into cryptocurrencies. Since then I have met Flavio (otherego), and am living in Italy now. Together we work on our various crypto related projects.

A couple of months ago we started working on BitShares, after diverse issues and troubleshooting and testing, we have created a stable and easy maintainable system.

I have been learning Golang in my spare time, and I’m working on some Go modules and tools to interact with BitShares. My end goal is to have a BIP38 wallet, and support all the Blockchain API RPC Calls. I’m hopeful this will help with the adoption of BitShares, for this will bring new integration options.

I’m also a big fan of Docker, and will be releasing some related images to the public. (some fine tuning, documentation and standardization is needed first)
