From A to Z – Business Blog 67 – Lost Opportunity and the Real Reason

in #deepdive2 years ago

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Lost Opportunity and the Real Reason

From A to Z hoped to go into the Holidays on a high note. Then suddenly without warning a massive budget deal was being negotiated in Washington D.C. with the Safe Banking Act not included. Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon sounded upset when he conceded to this unfortunate development for business development. Yet it was the Southern Border that made national headlines. Then as if to taunt this injustice the budget didn’t get the votes it needed. Only to pass the next day without fan fair advertising billions in military aid to Ukraine after the nation’s President made his speech to Congress in person.

And it just happened again, if you’ve been following this blog religiously. Just like 9/11 kept marijuana and Hemp legislation passing in New York; Zelenskyy’s speech knocked back the marijuana and Hemp industry in the United States a decade or more depending on developments with this war. A change in language by President Putin himself.

Yet From A to Z feels confident there’s no need for nuclear war. It would seem a confirmation of what we’ve all feared has actually taken place before our eyes. The leaders of these countries are all in cahoots with each other. This “war” is about weapons’ development.

We continue to report on this in a way unseen in most media platforms. President Biden and former President Trump both had dealings in Ukraine prior to their election victories. From all of the candidates in the 2016 and 2020 elections President Biden and former President Trump had the closest ties with Ukraine, more than anyone else. One of the Company’s board members confirms this through his interactions with his ex-fiancée who reported to him about the Russian occupation that would end in her disappearance. Yes, this military conflict began in 2014.

So here we are with a new federal budget to the tune of almost $2 trillion for a country with debt equal to the GDP. Yet it is private industry that benefits from this accounting and the opportunity to maintain technological edges in advanced weapons remains a top priority. We could have gone the Hemp route again only to once again decide against that to supply weapons to a foreign nation. There was no need to make them mutually exclusive just like there’s no need for Hemp and marijuana to be combined into the same industry. However, you can’t deny the Safe Banking Act would most likely be expanded to the Hemp industry.

The Safe Banking Act would make it easier for From A to Z to finance 3D printed homes using Hempcrete for example. Now all of the funding needs to remain in cash. With the size and amount of some purchases needed with established companies in their own industries it makes them less likely to want to work with a Company in this sector. Plus, you must physically deliver the funds. Imagine having to move millions of dollars across country in a van in order to buy equipment for a manufacturing facility.

It seems difficult to fathom in today’s digital world yet these are the options left to the Hemp industry because the Safe Banking Act could not be included in the latest budget for the federal government. Instead, Ukraine is getting weapons it needs to defend their country and degrade the Russian military. Not to mention both sides in this conflict are advancing their technologies.

America has the advantage after years in Afghanistan liberating the minds of the female population. America lost that conflict because they lost the will of the people on the ground to the local guy. Only women’s liberation in that area could mean a return to the international community for the nation as a whole.

On the battlefield this was seen as a weakness that moved chips on the map. Yet once again we see the spirit of a nation rising to the challenge of defending their sovereignty. We also see an opportunity to develop weaponry without casualty against a peer level opponent.

We’ve even talked about the Jedi who visited Moscow and the Sith Lord there now unable to find the trail without access to the Star Map that’s lightyears away at this time. They’ve now labeled the war in Ukraine “The Drone Wars” yes just like in Star Wars. They need this conflict to develop AI, satellite, and drone capabilities for the military. Not to mention stealth and air defense only that might get tested more in a Pacific action with another superpower.

One advantage to investing in security is at the end of the day if you’re unable to pay the bills you can just kill them all. We’ll wait to see what happens with the latest viruses ravaging the globe as food shortages are predicted to cause famine this summer.

From A to Z continues to do its best to solve worldwide problems. Only it must be stated that current government policies hinder the opportunity to grow portions of our business model. At the same time we are currently stalled on other projects like our pitch on Twitter with another board member unable to rub shoulders at the World Cup. Yet it is known to some that the security of our species might be at stake and we must do our part to manipulate our reality so that it can address the need of that demand.

Thank you,
From A to Z
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