From A to Z – Business Blog 85 – Looking at the Golden Dragon

in #deepdive11 months ago

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Looking at the Golden Dragon

With the war in Ukraine continuing to grab international attention dividing the world as nations push for peace with more favorable terms toward the side they prefer; China remains Russia’s biggest supporter and greatest adversary to U.S. influence on democracies.

We remember that China and Russia were both communist at one time (China remains communist) both share a border and have long historical ties. From a Western perspective European (white people) have shed their racist views of the world enough in these post-colonial times to assert that China has now become the senior partner in their relationship.

Lost in translation would be Chinese culture in this grading of their power sharing relationship. It is in itself a construct of racist colonial definitions on international interactions. China’s history has a rich tradition of powerful dynasties with God like emperors. Much of this history could almost be seen as a larger Russian nation dominating the Asian sphere of influence with smaller countries like Japan and Korea mirroring the smaller nations of Europe.

Yet it is also noted that China sailed the world first before destroying their fleet of ships. China didn’t conquer foreign nations. They’ve never been seen as a nation wanting global conquest. They are the golden dragon sleeping on a bed of coins that dreams of prosperity, wealth, and health.

Only now the world has changed to benefit the Chinese game of soft power. With the Russians faltering in their bid for global domination, China has learned from the mistake just as the Allies keep claiming they would. Only what they’ve learned isn’t about military tactics on the battlefield – although they’ve certainly had a chance to practice war games around Taiwan – what they’ve learned is that the Dutch have the technology to create microchips of the highest caliber and that if they are to rule the world they must become the leader in this technology.

The United States recognizes this and has learned the hard way that China cheats to get ahead. They steal intellectual property and at this time in history they have the numbers and the money to advance the technology if given the opportunity. It’s easy to see through business dealings that they always end up in the black while leveraging trade to the red for their business partners. They make the leaders rich that’s why they want to do the deal and then siphon off the labor while taking the lead in intellectual property. That’s their cultural battlefield.

America as the leader of the free world has done what it can to warn other democracies of this threat. Right now businesses are beginning to divest from China while moving operations to places like Vietnam and India. The move is working and China is hurting while crying foul. Yet who can deny their advance fighter jets resemble American models. Hackers stealing billions in technological information with government backing without intervention or punishment in a Chinese court. Meanwhile Journalist are jailed and put to death for speaking out.

The Chinese and the Russians are like rich white people who feel entitlement to ruling the world. We are at a point in our history where Black Lives Matter helps to expose this and Western nations are making the moves to keep themselves from becoming slaves to wealthy autocratic nations.

However, the United States could default on debts soon. There is no plan to pay off the debt. It’s actually impossible at this time without a war or some amazing invention or rare earth mineral captured in outer space and brought back to Earth. Still in these situations Americans would once again be faced with the greed and inability of the country’s will to apply the profits to something not sexy like paying a large chunk of debt. People want tax breaks giving them money in their pocket. Only like crack cocaine this could lead to anarchy as the Golden Dragon awakes to find it has become the ruler of the world.

Thank you,
From A to Z
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