The Consumer Prison - Yes, You Live In It

in #deepdive2 years ago (edited)


I think most of us like to believe we are all free agents. We are free to choose our governments. We are free to choose who we bank with. We are free to shop wherever we want to and not give our money to companies we don't like. Of course in theory this is true. But sadly in practice it's just not how it all works.

I used to believe in freedom. I wanted to believe in freedom. I genuinely thought and indeed hoped it existed, but the freedom we all know is just an illusion. We live in a complete deception. Red pill or blue pill. It's real.

I think our problems really started to intensify with the immediate post-war generation - boomers. After the horror of the second world war along came a generation that eventually became the richest generation our world has ever seen. They had less to spend their money on sure, and they may have had fewer job options. But what they did have and benefit from was a financial system that was a lot fairer back then, even thought it was still thoroughly corrupted.

Boomers had the opportunity to buy their own home, the housing market in my country of Great Britain was far more reasonable in those times. The market gave people with even modest incomes the possibility of owning their own home. The wages rose in line with inflation more, and products and services were a lot cheaper then. They even lived, for a period, in a world without VAT.

This was a generation that didn't need to contemplate going to war. They lived in liberalising times such was the 1960's and 1970's. The phrase 'you've never had it so good' literally applied to boomers.

As I previously mentioned they were and will be the richest generation we have ever produced. And instead of using that unique empowerment to make society better for themselves and subsequent generations what did they do? They embraced Marxism, liberalism, went protesting everyday, joined CND, hated their country and then went shopping. They did lots of shopping. Lots and lots of shopping. Then they tried to tell their children to do the same. And look how the world turned out.

The consumer prison is real. Most shops and retailers are owned by a handful of huge corporations now, all working to the same globalist order. They all embracing a woke Marxist ideology. Take a look at their adverts. Take a look at their branding. Take a look at their products and services.

We could have avoided all of this. Sadly the consumer prison isn't going away anytime soon. Next time you're out shopping, just ask yourself what are you actually funding? The answer of course is that you are funding the further destruction of your country and your society.

Just remember though you do have a choice. Yes, there is something you can do. You can play your part in effecting real positive change. Don't give your money to people who hate you and want to destroy your country.

Peace and Light,