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RE: Who's up for an ANAL PROBE? 2020 never ceases to amaze

in #deepdives4 years ago

I uv my comments at times for an ROI and had some people who actually abuse the system and are abusive as sentient beings imho bitch about that as they have been the same to crash shit into the shit pile of well....shit :) I'm not in the cool kids sociopathic circle jerk club and even though I'm cute as fuck that also doesn't sell as I don't sell it? People have the right to do a lot of things but maybe I should just do bullshit color challenges and not have to photoshop myself to look hot because trust me a ton are effin catfishes or look about as bangable as a potato (just saying if you sell yourself like that and then aren't that then whatever, better have more going for you then effn' bleach and sending asshole pics to doods under the radar) rant over but so many more to come, or not
Yeah baby! Frank Bacon is now one of my faves on here , fin ( rant separate about things I just notice and realize it's 2020 and empowerment for us vagina slingers this year was WAP oh yeah and having the first female VP