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RE: Ukraine and the Seventeen Billion Dollar Honeypot

in #deepdives2 years ago

I think you brought up a significant puzzle piece of this war. That being said, I still think this is not a single-issue war becasue so many people(including politicians and media) are pushing all kinds of propaganda. Maybe I need to dig some more.

By the way, cool post!


Oh it gets deep. Seems the EU has been some regular little busy bodies. You have to start with digging into the energy issue, particularly the green new energy initiative. Like today for instance I seen a headline already that Russia shut off Poland's gas worries though because an alternative system has already been built and will be operational by the end of this year. There's already been a whole complete system built in other countries, liquefied natural gas being brought in from other countries like Norway will fill the requirements needed to support places like Poland. These will be transported through pipelines to landlocked countries. The vast majority of which has already been built. Like I said they've been some busy, busy bees behind all the hype. They've also have built interconnecting systems for electrical generation. Once they diversify their natural gas supplies they will moved towards implementation of the use of electricity. I spent the last few days reading anything and everything I could get my hands on about it. The big question at play still is is the war being used as a means to convince people that redistribution is necessary to release reliance on Russia gas and convince them of the necessity to move towards green new technologies or is the war because Russia feels threatened at the loss of profits....the reason I wager back and forth is because this whole thing is by design, as I explained in my post, if one area moves toward cleaner fuel, etc., well there's that there is only so many supplies in the world so there's that what you'd call "balancing act" if in the end the tide would be toward Russia supplying China, well that's a whole lot of gas needed to warm two billion people. I would say that if they don't mention that Poland is going to be just fine than the move is toward fear mongering people into the green initiatives. I just hesitate to call it yet because of the political wrangling that is/was going on over that east med pipeline with Turkey having been said to play a pivotal role. Turkey said no pipeline is going nowhere but through Turkey, they also said that of the alternative they are planning on implementing with an interconnector electrical line. So the whole thing gets deep into what they are all up to but the amount of completion into all this has been mind boggling as to how far they've come. I just don't see how Russia would have spent that kind of money for the second pipeline knowing full well what they were all up to....trying hard to solve the overall puzzle.