Holy Shit Batman, Don't Let Batwoman In Our Batcave!!

in #deepdives3 years ago (edited)


I have repeatedly stated the last several months that as crazy as things have gotten there had to be or is a greater threat coming from somewhere. I mean really weeks after realizing the promise of immunity from these vaccines didn't come to fruition I am still seeing doctors and nurses promoting these vaccines as a move toward reaching herd immunity. I admit there are a lot of misinformed and stupid people in this world but we don't ordinarily find that coming from the scientific and medical communities.

Yesterday while browsing though the Gateway Pundits sensationalized headlines I came across a letter where several scientist decided to, well in the GP's term eviscerate the letter by Fauci and Daszak for a letter they published that claimed there was no way this virus came from a lab. What I found interesting in The Lancet release of the evisceration letter was this:

A research-related origin is plausible. Two questions need to be addressed: virus evolution and introduction into the human population. Since July, 2020, several peer-reviewed scientific papers have discussed the likelihood of a research-related origin of the virus. Some unusual features of the SARS-CoV-2 genome sequence suggest that they may have resulted from genetic engineering,15, 16 an approach widely used in some virology labs.17 Alternatively, adaptation to humans might result from undirected laboratory selection during serial passage in cell cultures or laboratory animals,5, 18, 19 including humanised mice.20 Mice genetically modified to display the human receptor for entry of SARS-CoV-2 (ACE2) were used in research projects funded before the pandemic, to test the infectivity of different virus strains.21 Laboratory research also includes more targeted approaches such as gain-of-function experiments relying on chimeric viruses to test their potential to cross species barriers.17, 22
A research-related contamination could result from contact with a natural virus during field collection, transportation from the field to a laboratory,23 characterisation of bats and bat viruses in a laboratory, or from a non-natural virus modified in a laboratory.

That definitely left me with many more questions left unanswered, in other words it just added to the mystery. That left me compelled to go back to the beginning of this pandemic when so many research papers were being shared on the blockchain. I sat out to find the paperwork on the woman they called the bat lady to reread some of her eye of newt experiments again. I really have to be in the right state of mind to spend that much time researching stuff so it takes me forever because I want to do the best to understand as a non professional anybody scientifically or medically. I look up dozens of words which often leads to looking up dozens of others....so you can understand the "being in the right state of mind thing". You know too it's not just reading the status quo of the lefty narrative it's being out front of them that counts a lot of time, it makes it much more simplistic, short and cuts to the chase.

What I wasn't expecting after spending a mere couple of hours making my brain work overtime last night was a gift horse handed to the world this morning. That put a huge shortcut into trying to figure out what the mysterious mythical beast was that no one can find that spread this virus to the world, in other words exactly what was the bat woman concocting in that laboratory. I didn't find exactly what it was I read several months back on her research but what I did find made what came out today much more understandable. Maybe I can't put a name to that mysterious missing beast but I can definitely say I think I found what the greater threat is. Drum roll please.....

A Covid-19 researcher from the World Health Organisation (WHO), who wished to remain anonymous, said it was alarming that the grant proposal included plans to enhance the more deadly disease of Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (Mers).

“The scary part is they were making infectious chimeric Mers viruses,” the source said.

“These viruses have a fatality rate over 30 per cent, which is at least an order of magnitude more deadly than Sars-CoV-2.

“If one of their receptor replacements made Mers spread similarly, while maintaining its lethality, this pandemic would be nearly apocalyptic.”

"They were making" might as well be "They made" because if they, according to the article:

New documents show that just 18 months before the first Covid-19 cases appeared, researchers had submitted plans to release skin-penetrating nanoparticles containing “novel chimeric spike proteins” of bat coronaviruses into cave bats in Yunnan, China.

then they made the Mers version. I kept saying it, saying it and saying it, there had to be a greater threat involved here. I was totally convinced when Israel went all pro vaccine, Israel doesn't back down to anybody and the Israeli have come to mankind's rescue time and time again with cures for what ails mankind, for them to go full retard on the vaccines was just to much to handle, I knew there was a greater threat. I was convinced of a greater threat. Since these grant proposals were done in 2018 I think our world leaders know there is a potential for a greater threat, maybe even being threatened with it, it's all speculation from this point but it does give some credence to why it appears they've all lost their minds. As the article states the grant proposal was denied but that doesn't mean they didn't go ahead with the project. Wanting to discourage people from eating bats was a rather lame excuse on China's part given they wanted to make the bats less lethal but they also wanted to make a chimeric viruses that was more infectious to humans...that part just doesn't add up but in my opinion someone should have sounded the alarm that China was up to something that just wasn't adding up.

So lets just assume they do go into these bat caves and spray the bats with chimeric viruses. Chimeric means formed from parts of different animals, that may be why they can't figure out what the mysterious beast is that happens to be involved here. I guess really they wouldn't even have had to go into a cave for that matter, it really could have been a lab leak cross contamination but I found the part from the GP article about field excursions interesting in retrospect. Seems maybe the scientist eviscerating Fauci and Daszak may have had a heads up on the release of info that came out today and it broaden the horizons upon how exactly this virus did come about.

Now I know you think the news couldn't get any worse but it does for wondering minds with a need to know. It's more of a ponderous at this point coming from someone who isn't qualified professionally to do anything but cut hair or hair removal but here it is. You might want to sit down for it. In a bid to genetically modify a virus they rebuild or reconstruct that virus in a lab using eye of newt procedures. In other words they try and build the exact same virus, a replicate, sort of like the difference from baking a cake from scratch or popping open a box cake, you had to be good at one to formulate the other, once you perfect the formulation you can now start to make different varieties of cakes. Now I know you think the news couldn't get any worse but it does. You can sit down if you like. This is something to ponder coming from someone who isn't professionally licensed to do anything other than to cut hair or remove it but of the three procedures they used to lab produce a corona virus one proved more successful than the others. That one involved using the vaccinia virus which is the vaccine for small pox. Here's a clencher on that considering they were using gain of function, back during the small pox outbreak unvaccinated people with eczema who got near a vaccinated person would break out in a rash all over their bodies. It was called eczema vaccinatum, may be a reason we see people who have had covid break out in a rash or those breaking out with a rash after vaccination but what's even scarier is if they managed to isolate within the virus what caused it and genetically altered it to fit a specific purpose....like making vaccinated person susceptible to actually spreading the virus which is a claim that that's happening. And, yeah I know you are going to hate me by the time I am done, lol, make the virus more transmissible. Which could mean the Delta variant isn't really a variant like how we think of variants forming naturally as much as it could be a new release of genetically modified corona. Here's the part where if you haven't already called them dirty rotten low down scoundrel's you will after this one. During the small pox outbreak there was one set of individuals outside of those with eczema who couldn't receive the vaccinia virus vaccine, it was immune compromised individuals. If you fell over don't blame me I did offer for you to sit. So now tell me do you really think China's proposal was to "just" discourage people from eating bats? You also have to ask yourself how far down the chain did this go considering it wasn't Fauci or Daszak that told them no to the funding and if they went ahead with it anyway.

So now you know why the scientific community is in evisceration mode, imagine that I got this far with it without any knowledgeable means at me disposal, imagine how much deeper the education, the knowledge, the history scientist know, there could potentially be a lot more to come, the bigger question is how much deeper threats linger? Maybe there really was something behind Biden telling unvaccinated people they'll come to regret not getting vaccinated, is there a Mers threat on the horizon?

I will tell you this much, and from all appearances it does seem to fit, but in my opinion there's no way China or anyone else released this virus without a vaccine at hand. This may explain why there appears to be two different sets of rules governing safety protocols between the haves and have nots. Chances are better than not there are two different vaccines out there.

Here's another interesting tid bit I was going to look more into tonight but decided to write this instead. There are several different pox viruses, the horse pox virus can cause a dermatitis on horses, and they use Ivermectin to cure that dermatitis. It may actually also deworm horses I really don't know because I didn't get that far last night. I don't know if it will or would eventually tie in to the whole eczema involvement with the vaccinia virus vaccine but there is something there possibly since they use the vaccinia virus to lab produce corona so there's sort of an ironic twist somehow that Ivermectin works on covid 19 and on dermatitis caused by a pox virus because essentially eczema is a dermatitis. Just more food for thought...as if you needed anymore right.


I really have to be in the right state of mind to spend that much time researching stuff so it takes me forever because I want to do the best to understand as a non professional anybody scientifically or medically.

The difficult is already done and the impossible we will try. Therefore, there is nothing impossible in the Twilight Zone. "The truth is neither one thing nor the other, but quite the opposite"

Which could mean the Delta variant isn't really a variant like how we think of variants forming naturally as much as it could be a new release of genetically modified corona.

Yeah! There is no wonder this first more aggressive and contagious Delta variant appeared in India. A third world and poor country with a very high population of supposedly disposables that has long threatened to become the country with the largest population in the world, even surpassing China.

That's last part you wrote reminded me I didn't even get into how easy it would be to release vectors into the community, mosquitos would be an easy one, carried the small pox virus and this past summer I found it interesting how they released these mosquitos in Florida they said as an experiment to see if they could find a way to stop a certain mosquito from populating that was the carrier of disease then about a month later Florida was awash in the Delta variant. Not saying that was a certainty just one of those thoughts that crosses one's mind.