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RE: Future problems for the IC; Post, Discussion, Notes

in #deepdives4 years ago

I feel comment I find relevant to the OP aren't relevant to your studies, due to institutional issues. I'll just generally note a couple themes that seem, due to their nature and incomprehensible obfuscation, seem to be intentionally obfuscated by staff. Foreign intrigue in US IC conduct, the longstanding criminality potentiated by national secrecy and expanded access to information, particularly LEA information, and the demonstrable propensity of 'burrocracy' to create agencies directly hostile to their original mission.



cant answer now, in the middle of assignment due tonight

i create bad habits in myself by blowing off the work until last minute, then pulling it out of my ass, and usually pretty well

and to think, I had got ahead by 2 weeks before the 4th...

Well, you're not really a master procrastinator if you get ahead before you get behind. Hmmm... Sounds like my love life.

love life??? what's that? are there boobies involved?

I seem to remember something about boobies, but that was a loooong time ago...