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RE: Delegations

in #delegations6 years ago

It's cool that you choose to support real people, curators and projects that will contribute to the development of the whole community.

Most people do not bother and simply delegate their SP to paid bots to maximize profits. As a result we have overpumped bid-bots and tons of overrated shit content, upvoted by these bots. But fake value does not help Steemit growth. I don't know why this is hard to understand for our top-witnesses, half of which have their own bots...

About candidates... Do you really think that memes are undervaluated? They can get up to $40 from Dmania for one plagiarized picture with few words of text. 2 minutes work and you are rich. Does this type of content have such a high value?
Did you hear about @abh12345 with his Curation and Engagement Leagues? You can find many active curators there, to see and compare their stats...


Thanks for the mention Erika! :D :D

Hi @erikaflynn. I'm glad you too mentioned Asher's leagues. Our community fully support the leagues since it promote curation and engagement. Nice to see another league member here!