Mistakes Were NOT Made based on the poem by Margaret Anna Alice

in #democidelast month

In the tapestry of orchestrated chaos, where the currents of history converge, one must grapple with the harsh reality that unfolds not by random chance but through the hands of architects who sculpt the narrative of human suffering. Reflecting on the echoes of Margaret Anna Alice's poignant poem, we find ourselves traversing a landscape where intentional cruelty masquerades as happenstance.

Let us gaze unflinchingly into the abyss, where the Armenian Genocide stands as a testament to the deliberate machinations of those who wielded power with a malevolence that defies the apologist's brush. It was no accidental misstep, no stumble into the abyss; it was a blueprint meticulously executed, hidden in plain sight as the world blinked in disbelief.

The Holodomor, draped in the shroud of historical oversight, was not a slip of the bureaucratic pen. The orchestrated famine that snuffed out millions of lives bore the hallmark of calculated cruelty. To dismiss it as a mere misjudgment is to play accomplice to the architects of suffering.

The Final Solution, with its chilling efficiency, was not a regrettable oversight. The machinery of genocide was assembled with a precision that mocked the very notion of unintentional error. The gas chambers were not the result of a bureaucratic typo but rather a manifestation of a diabolical plan etched in the annals of malevolence.

The Great Leap Forward, an Orwellian misnomer concealing the horrors within, was not a naive stumble toward progress. It was a dance with death choreographed by those who deemed the sacrifice of millions an acceptable toll for their delusions of grandeur. No inadvertent leap, but a deliberate plunge into the abyss.

The Killing Fields, drenched in the blood of countless innocents, did not unfold as an unintended consequence. It was a symphony of brutality conducted by those who reveled in the perverse pleasure of unchecked power. The fields were not sown with accidental misjudgments but with the seeds of calculated cruelty.

And now, in the Great Democide of the 2020s, we find ourselves ensnared in a web of orchestrated chaos. Do not be deceived by the smokescreen of incompetence; this is not a bungled affair but a grand production scripted by unseen hands. The pandemic of fear, the walls of control, the rewriting of rules – these are not the result of accidental folly but the execution of a plan laid bare for those willing to see.

The philanthropaths wielding influence, the scientists peddling fabricated truths, the colluders implementing the agenda – they are not stumbling in the dark but rather following a script written with malice aforethought. The menticiders scripting the narrative, the fact-chokers smearing dissent, the jackboots stomping on those who question – this is not an accidental sequence but a choreographed dance of oppression.

We were terrorized, isolated, and gaslit. Dehumanized, wounded, and killed – not by happenstance but by design. Let us not allow them the escape of feigned ignorance. The tyrants summoned, the puppets danced, and the colluders implemented. It was calculated, formulated, and focus-grouped. Don't let them get away with it, for the echoes of orchestrated chaos reverberate through the corridors of history, demanding accountability in the face of deliberate cruelty.

Source: Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice

The Story Behind Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice (by Margaret Anna Alice)