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RE: Seth Rogen - Yearbook

in #deutsch4 months ago

I read most of the excerpts (not through, but most of them). Found the early ones interesting as an insight into a certain history (cultural/religious) but didn't enjoy the later bits. Not a lifestyle I can relate to. Most people wouldn't consider me conventional (most people I know consider me somewhat eccentric), but I just never could understand the drug thing. Life is exciting, and sometimes too stimulating as it is. I know people who have taken mind-altering drugs think it is mirror to our souls, but as you say,

many people don't like what they see through such microscopes.

I think Seth Rogan is hilarious, and smart, and I love some of the work he has done. If drugs helped him to be so creative, more power to him. I wouldn't buy this book and wouldn't want to read any more than I have already😄.

An interesting blog.


Not a lifestyle I can relate to.

  • I fully agree. I don't find his hedonist lifestyle, full of drugs and porn, appealing.