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RE: Jeff Booth - The Price of Tomorrow

in #deutsch4 months ago (edited)

The curation rewards aren't 'wasted' they go back 'into the pool', ergo, 50% of them go to the top 20 accounts.
Burning is the better option, if you don't like how things are managed here.

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”
― Henry Ford

I can't get anybody to tell me what percentage the top 100 get, but I'm sure it would just be one more confirmation of what we already know.


Ah yes, burn your rewards so you can earn at the same ratio as the top "curators". You'll catch up to them now! LOL

How easy it is for some to throw away their worth.

It beats getting flagged to -11.
Burning the rewards beats giving them to the problem.

If you have a way to improve the tactics, I'm listening.

Why don't you join them? Seems like a good racket.

!lol, as if they would let me in,...

Burning the rewards beats giving them to the problem.

LOL burning only burns author rewards. Curators still get them.

Declining rewards gives any votes to trending.
Both author and curator mana 'return to the pool', and the top 20 accounts take 50% of them.
Better to burn them than feed the problem, imo.

A blind man walks into a bar..
..and then a chair and then a table.

Credit: reddit
@enforcer48, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of antisocialist
