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RE: Zweckoptimismus oder Realitätsverweigerung? (de/en)

in #deutsch3 years ago

“ But what amazes me is that apparently nobody here takes this seriously. And that even though China in particular is able to enforce something like that, if they want to. Because the cotton industry still needs a few new workers ...
Actually, everyone should be walking around with the capital P on their foreheads, instead they continue to gossip happily about cryptos, tokens and the like as if everything were okay.”

Was this part just about bitcoin/crypto? If so what did you think was going to happen from China news?


Mainly BTC, but it always affects other cryptos as we know.
If China really cracks down on the crypto users (inside China) that would certainly have a big impact on the entire crypto market worldwide. China is huge! What ever happens there has a impact on the whole world. And it would also be a ugly precedence for what may happen elsewhere as well, if governments decide to put an end to the crypto thing, which they all don't like anyway.
But lets wait and see if the Chinese Communist Party really plays serious this time. They already banned mining a while ago. And nobody wants to mess with them, believe me. Its not like the law system in the US or Europe there - they lock you up and throw the key away and thats it.