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RE: The end of Russia as we know it

in #deutsch3 months ago

Guten tag! Dear @zuerich !

Do you think Putin will fall and Russia will collapse? Your argument is interesting!

By the way, East Asians like me generally think a little differently than you do.
I think there is a good chance that China will start a war on the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan before Russia collapses!

Currently, China and Japan are competing for hegemony in East Asia. They are watching the war in Europe and looking for an opportunity to expand their power and territory.

They perceive Russia's expansion or collapse as an opportunity for new profits for them.

So, East Asians like me are worried that World War III will break out!



I think there is a good chance that China will start a war on the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan before Russia collapses!
Currently, China and Japan are competing for hegemony in East Asia.

Interesting. I thought of China when I read this.

Dear @agmoore !

Are you european?
Nice meet to you!
I am not chinese but, eastasian!

I have study about china!
Thank you!

Hi @goldgrifin007,

I live in the U.S.