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RE: Jason Lowery - Softwar, part IV

in #deutsch5 months ago

I love how he explains computer software, which are hypostatized concepts, they want us to pretend that they are real. Although society has adopted the habit of describing software as if it were composed of object orientation, it is not. It is simply an abstraction technique used to facilitate understanding of the complex.
When a program is "removed" from a computer, nothing is physically removed from the machine.A herein lies the fundamental challenge of software security engineering; it requires an engineer.
The only physical change that occurs is a change of state in the machine's circuitry. A switch is flipped or electrons move from one side of a floating gate transistor to the other.
From the exposition in this Post. I have been able to realize. Of what Computer Science programs are. Have a nice evening.


Thanks for your comment, @rammargarita!
Yes, this explanation (though plausible) was also new for me. Humans try to make abstract concepts as concrete as possible.