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RE: Michael Shellenberger's "Apocalypse Never"

in #deutsch2 years ago

Thanks for this literature tip.
Just two remarks:

"IPCC is partly a scientific organisation"
Not even partly! In fact it is the opposite of scientific. Scientific would be to postulate a hypothesis based on observations and when you get contradictory observations, you have to adapt your hypothesis. In IPCC any scientist with contradictory findings to the "manmade climate change through Co2"-hypothesis immediately gets kicked out and can´t interact with them, to not endanger their hypothesis! It is a lobby group posing as scientific.

About the "zero pollution and a radically reduced environmental footprint": Not zero, but just a very different kind of pollution/footprint. Radioactive waste that needs to be kept safe for 10.000 years is a heavy burden for the future generations, much worse than CO2 (which is part of nature anyway). So thus I disagree to have nuclear fission as solution (fusion yes, but this takes time still).


Radioactive waste that needs to be kept safe for 10.000 years is a heavy burden for the future generations, much worse than CO2 (which is part of nature anyway).

  • I don't see radioactive "waste" as waste and not as a heavy burden, quite the contrary. I see it as a source of energy that is currently not utilized, partly due to excessive regulation and due to slowed technological progress (itself due to technophobia, Luddism of the Green movement since the early 1980s). Companies such as Transmutex will - if they are allowed to - transform this industry, with more energy available and less waste (both in mass and in radioactive half-lives).

Sounds too good to be true. In any way, one can´t rely on technology which is not even existing! If it has been confirmed to work in real life conditions (not on paper) then it would be of course a different story.