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RE: Jason Lowery - Softwar, part III

in #deutsch5 months ago

Appeals are made towards a court or an instance/authority that has a solid legitimacy. Hivewatcher has none of that.

Just a quick question:
What does an "instance/authority" have that Hivewatcher does not have ?
The "solid legitimacy"?
And what gives that "solid legitimacy"?

is it just bowing to that "instance/authority", which legitimizes it and gives it that "solid legitimacy" ?

I can understand why you do not want to bow to hivewatcher

I cannot understand why you do want to bow to ANY OTHERS ?

But as long as you do it voluntarily and also do not force ANYONE to do the same (as you) - it is okay.

Kind greets.


Choices and tradeoffs…
I do not bow to authorities. I left Germany because I despise its government (for at least 25 years). This is a choice.
I chose Switzerland and accepted its authorities. This is called a tradeoff.

You may also choose to leave Germany, or you may not because of tradeoffs (such as your family living there).

State authorities (though highly imperfect) have a legal frame and I can legally go after them. Hivewatchers has nothing like that. We as a community must correct this.