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RE: Der langsame und heimliche Weg zur Knechtschaft / The slow and stealthy path to servitude

in #deutsch2 years ago

Very nice article. I think that there are certain laws in place and at the same time directives that are above the law. These laws although enable us to take back the power. I think that the funds that will be locked up in the treasuries of some of these cryptocurrency DAO foundations might replace the current world oligarchic regime of 5 charter countries along with their IMF, BCBS etc. monetary policies. To enforce these on the previously colonised countries mainly by colonial imposers due to their resources, was an acquired advantage prior to the new reforms and agreements such as Brettonwoods. Specially when considering that these resources were mostly expropriated from these countries unlawfully. This calls for not only an inequality and unjust advantage by a US/Western World reserve currency, but also enslaves the populous of our planet that subordinates to such systems. I think that it must have been hard for some African slaves bought from African aristocrats or noble men to distinguish between liberties after they arrived in America on British slave ships. Maybe some slave masters kept their leash long enough to encourage them to perceive it as a better life in order to make them more productive. As such is reality for some people today that exchange their time for money in an age prior to the explosion of automation, self check out counters, blockchain, ai etc. This is reminiscent of free range chickens that produce more eggs than the ones kept in the barn. They just don't seem to see the fence. Even more unfortunate is that so many are still uninformed about how redundant and inefficient the social and environmental policies are for which tax payers are still supporting inefficient fiscal mechanisms.