Who are the real barbarians? We are. / Wer sind die wirklichen Barbaren?

in #deutsch3 years ago

Media/Journalists tell us that the people who stormed the Capitol are barbarians and deplorables, and that's not wrong, of course.

But these smug, self-important journalists think they stand on the other side and are literate, civilized and morally superior. They think they live in a „developped nation“ and they have the right to judge and demonize these people (Just to be clear, I certainly don‘t approve the actions of the Capitol stormers). They actually love the Capitol events because now they can demand ever more authoritative measures. T_bag.gif

Are we (the western hemisphere) really developped nations? Who are the real barbarians?

100 years from now, I think, people will think of us like we today think of medieval people who practiced among other things:

Why is our society a barbarian one? Because of ...

  • muting unwanted opinions
  • fiat money
  • "democracy" where 51% can legally (!) dominate and rob (ultimately even kill) the 49%
  • our ability to vote the worst available people into government (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kakistocracy)
  • the criminalization of a mostly harmless plant (cannabis) and the simultaneous grant of patents for pharma companies guaranteeing them big profits to the detriment of patients' health and wallet.
  • ...

Do we live in developped nations? I hope and think that we don‘t because that would imply that there is nothing to be developped, invented or improved.
Concerning the medium-term future (2025 and beyond) I am quite optimistic that societal and technological progress will accelerate a lot, not least because of the return of sound money (Bitcoin) which will impede government's predatory activities and foster sound investment decisions (https://mises.org/library/importance-capital-theory).

What do you think?

Here is a photo taken on the Muotta Muragl (2453 metres above sea level) in beautiful Engadin 10 days ago, with a quote of Friedrich Nietzsche 😀

Einige Journalisten sagen uns, dass die Leute, die das Kapitol stürmten, Barbaren und "Deplorables" sind, was natürlich nicht falsch ist.

Aber diese aufgeblasenen, selbstgefälligen Journalisten denken, sie stehen auf der anderen Seite und seien gebildet, zivilisiert und moralisch überlegen. Sie denken, sie leben in einem "entwickelten Land" und haben das Recht, über diese Leute zu urteilen und sie zu verteufeln (Nur um das klarzustellen, ich billige die Aktionen der Capitol-Stürmer nicht). Viele Journalisten geilen sich an den Capitol-Ereignissen auf, weil sie jetzt immer mehr autoritäre Maßnahmen fordern können.

Sind wir (die westliche Hemisphäre) wirklich entwickelte Nationen? Wer sind die wahren Barbaren?

Ich denke, in 100 Jahren wird man über uns denken, wie wir heute über die Menschen des Mittelalters denken, die u.a. Folgendes praktizierten

Warum ist unsere Gesellschaft eine barbarische? Wegen der ...

  • Unterdrückung unerwünschter Meinungen

  • fiat money

  • "Demokratie", in der 51% der Wähler legal (!) die 49% dominieren und ausrauben (letztlich sogar töten) lassen können

  • Fähigkeit von uns, die schlechtesten verfügbaren Leute in die Regierung zu wählen (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kakistokratie)

  • Kriminalisierung einer größtenteils harmlosen Pflanze (Cannabis) und die gleichzeitige Erteilung von Patenten (Monopolen) für Pharmakonzerne, die ihnen große Gewinne auf Kosten der Gesundheit und des Geldbeutels der Patienten garantieren.

  • ...

Leben wir in einer entwickelten Nation? Ich hoffe und denke, dass wir das nicht tun, denn das würde bedeuten, dass es nichts mehr zu entwickeln, zu erfinden oder zu verbessern gibt.
Was die mittelfristige Zukunft (2025 und darüber hinaus) angeht, bin ich recht optimistisch, dass sich der gesellschaftliche und technologische Fortschritt stark beschleunigen wird, nicht zuletzt wegen der Rückkehr von sound money (Bitcoin), das die räuberischen Aktivitäten der Regierung verhindern und gesunde Investitionsentscheidungen fördern wird (https://mises.org/library/importance-capital-theory).

Was meint Ihr dazu?

Hier ein Foto, aufgenommen auf dem Muotta Muragl (2453 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel) im schönen Engadin vor 10 Tagen, mit einem Zitat von Friedrich Nietzsche 😀 .


Following up on your provision of the link to this post @zuerich, I have come to read it. I find in your writing more reinforcement that you are a ... "level-headed European!" 😉 I am thankful to find my choice words was not deemed by you to be offensive. Or ... If it is, you are hiding it well. 🙂

On a serious note, you are now "talking" with one who is about American as you can be, without being a native American. The most recent "immigrant ancestor" of both my wife and I came here in the 1850s from Germany. Prior to that, all of our ancestry goes back into the 1700s in Colonial America and many branches back into the 1600s here. My wife even has some native ancestry, being part Cherokee ...

All that to say we are living in a time in which what used to be celebrated about our history is now being turned "upside down," in a very intentional attempt to fundamentally reshape our country. God help us ...

Passionate about our true heritage, I was politically active for 6 years, as a District Leader. Over that time, I had many meetings with my countrymen in an effort to get more of them involved in defending it. Sadly, far too much (thankfully I experienced some notable exceptions) apathy and indifference prevailed then and is even worse now. During that time, I would talk about the fundamental differences between our country's founding as a Republic vs. the almost universally referenced Democracy instead. They are not the same thing and we (collectively) are paying a very heavy price for letting this corruption of our heritage advance as far as it has. Again, God help us ...

Well, that is enough out of me on this topic. January 6th is "looming large" here and its 1st anniversary will undoubtedly be used to further deepen the growing divide amongst our people. Trying to sort out the Truth amongst all of the mess is growing increasingly (by design) more difficult, but hopefully we will still see it prevail in the end.

"On a serious note, you are now "talking" with one who is about American as you can be, without being a native American. The most recent "immigrant ancestor" of both my wife and I came here in the 1850s from Germany. Prior to that, all of our ancestry goes back into the 1700s in Colonial America and many branches back into the 1600s here. My wife even has some native ancestry, being part Cherokee ..."

  • Leaving Germany back then seems to have been a wise decision 👍
  • I am just writing a post on Germany, its collectivist soul (democracy seems to be a God there) and its many problems.

"Trying to sort out the Truth amongst all of the mess is growing increasingly (by design) more difficult, but hopefully we will still see it prevail in the end."

  • Yes, let's hope truth will prevail 🤠. In the longer term I'm quite optimist about that.

"In the longer term I'm quite optimist about that."

Yes, as am I. My worldview is Judeo-Christian and we believe the Bible clearly indicates we have every reason to be optimistic the Truth will certainly prevail. Our Sovereign Creator will ultimately see to it!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta




Fake Viking helmet Guy symbolizes historical revisionism

Just ask @fyrtsikken real Scandenavians never had horns, everyone knows that shit was put in by 1800s operah people fuck that

its like the same Symbolism of theatrics leaking out here

that guy is pelosi's daughters boyfriend or whatever lol

I think Diane Feinstein will take a deal and turn in pelosi and many California Democrats who think they are immune from Military tribunals for cooperating with the PLA and communist China

appreciate the optics. either way, I'm comin offa house arrest!

LET'S GET FLYNN here already so he can at least write to US here on the (CHAIN)!

Interessant, dass Naval glaubt die Fed würde/könnte die Geldmenge steuern.

Ich glaube leider nicht, dass sich in naher Zukunft viel zum Besseren ändert.
Es war die ganze Menschheitsgeschichte so - unterschiedliche Fraktionen schlagen sich die Köpfe ein bzw. werden von irgendwelchen Anführern dazu getrieben - nur die Mittel und Werkzeuge änderten sich mit der Zeit.

Ja, langfristig war das so. Aber es gab trotzdem immer mal wieder relativ friedliche Phasen, z.B. zwischen 1871 und 1914 oder die Pax Romana oder Pax Britannica. Kurzfristig sehe ich eher eine turbulente Umbruchsphase.

let me ask you, would you or anyone you know in crypto ever go there and risk entering the capitol, ? like what? lol nah, these were all 100% agent provocateurs or it was a sting operation as peopel are saying because they did need a way to GRAB PELOSIS LAPTOP

ITS EXACTLY the same tactic they used against the darknet market guy Albrecht
, distracted him in the library of an ivy league university he attended and then POW they snatched his laptop with all his windows open lol

all laptops today should automatically recognize its not you with facial recognition and @voicehq lol

I would add: our "talent" to turn every scientific achievement into some sort of weapon

Yes, that's a good point.

Et kütt, wat kütt.
Im Zweifelsfall immer die "3 Gs" von Gerald Celente im Augen behalten: Gold, Guns and a Get-away-plan. Er hat die Munition vergessen, aber "3 Gs" hört sich besser an als "3 Gs and enough A".

Die 3Gs gefallen mir. Hinsichtlich guns muss ich noch nachladen, äh nachlegen.

I think your arguments for where Western society can still develop are excellent and could add a number of things to the list myself like removing our thirst for blood in multiple different forms from our society. Despite all these ways we can advance I still find a lot of our culture very advanced and hope that many things from western culture hold the test of time. Either way I share your optimism that the best days are still ahead of us.

I agree, not everything is bad. Just concerning politics I see a steady deterioration since 1992.

Da gebe ich Nietzsche vollkommen Recht!

Liebe Grüße Michael


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