"Why are girls depressed?" or a rant about journalistic incompetence

in #deutschlast year

Dear Hiveans,

last week I saw the following article "Why Are Our Girls So Depressed? Just Look at These Men"
and, for me, it is an example of the shallowness of contemporary "journalists" and their "analyses".

In this article Wittenberg-Cox blames Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Marc Andreessen for the increase in the number of depressions of girls since 2012 - of course without any proof. It's convenient and fashionable to blame 3 white, male and rich persons. Instead of doing substantial root cause analysis just make some blatant and offensive claims and let the hysteria of social media do the rest.

Musk and Zuck talking about a martial arts cage fight makes girls become depressive - really? Musk and Zuck are adult and can do in their leisure time whatever they want - provided it is between consenting adults. This nonsense is highly unlikely to make girls sad.

„Just look at these men“ - Who writes in such a manner? Is this inability or just unwillingness to think?

Social Media is just some innovation that would have emerged anyway (with or without Zuck or Musk) and it won’t go away. Social media may increase social pressure, give girls unrealistic expectations of how to look like (especially instagram - please, girls, delete it) and leverage stupid statements of mediocre celebrities.

Other potential culprits
  • What about politicians exemplifying purposelessness like Trudeau or gerontocracy like Biden, Olaf Scholz, Putin, Erdogan, etc. - giving the impression of a static system without political, technological or social progress?
  • What about the feminist movement, and the degradation of masculinity?
  • What about hussies like the Kardashians, series like "sex and the city", "friends" (where - over time - everybody fu**s everybody), the illusion of fulfilling free love?
  • What about the illusion (given by media) of a 100% career while really experiencing motherhood?
  • What about hormone-changing drugs influencing the mental wellbeing of girls?
  • What about parents that have no time for children or inept and overstrained teachers?
  • What about the media glorifying activists/terrorists that have no background in physics, climate science, or anything scientific at all, but arrogate to themselves the right to negatively influence the life of others - giving young people the impression that you do not need to learn hard things, accomplish something, but can force society and are entitled to a green planet, a well-paying job, free education, a universal basic income, free healthcare, affordable housing, etc?


No, I don’t know why girls are depressed - which may be for zillions of reasons.
But I’m sure I presented more potential root causes in this short rant than this „author“. What hubris and pretension of knowledge…

Have a great day,

Liebe Hiver,

letzte Woche habe ich den folgenden Artikel gelesen ["Warum sind unsere Mädchen so depressiv? Schauen Sie sich diese Männer an"] (https://elderberries.substack.com/p/why-are-our-girls-so-depressed-just) und für mich ist er ein Beispiel für die Oberflächlichkeit der heutigen "Journalisten" und ihrer "Analysen".

In diesem Artikel macht Wittenberg-Cox Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg und Marc Andreessen für den Anstieg der Depressionen bei Mädchen seit 2012 verantwortlich - natürlich ohne jeden Beweis. Es ist bequem und modern, 3 weiße, männliche und reiche Personen zu beschuldigen. Anstatt eine gründliche Ursachenanalyse durchzuführen, stellt man einfach ein paar unverfrorene und beleidigende Behauptungen auf und lässt die Hysterie der sozialen Medien den Rest erledigen.

Wenn Musk und Zuck über einen Cage Fight miteinander sprechen, werden Mädchen depressiv - wirklich? Musk und Zuck sind erwachsen und können in ihrer Freizeit tun und lassen, was sie wollen - vorausgesetzt, es handelt sich um eine Sache zwischen einwilligenden Erwachsenen. Es ist höchst unwahrscheinlich, dass dieser Unsinn Mädchen traurig macht.

"Schauen Sie sich diese Männer an" - Wer schreibt so etwas? Ist das Unfähigkeit oder nur Unwillen zu denken?

Social Media ist nur eine Innovation, die sowieso entstanden wäre (mit oder ohne Zuck oder Musk), und sie wird nicht verschwinden. Soziale Medien können den sozialen Druck erhöhen, Mädchen unrealistische Erwartungen an ihr Aussehen vermitteln (vor allem auf Instagram - bitte, Mädels, löscht es) und dumme Äußerungen mittelmäßiger Berühmtheiten bekannt machen.

Andere potenzielle Schuldige
  • Was ist mit Politikern, die Ziellosigkeit vorleben wie Trudeau oder Gerontokratie wie Biden, Olaf Scholz, Putin, Erdogan, etc. - die den Eindruck eines statischen Systems ohne politischen, technologischen oder sozialen Fortschritt erwecken?
  • Was ist mit der feministischen Bewegung und der Verteuflung von Männlichkeit?
  • Was ist mit Flittchen wie den Kardashians, Serien wie "Sex and the City", "Friends" (wo - mit der Zeit - jeder jeden fi**t), der Illusion einer erfüllenden freien Liebe?
  • Was ist mit der (von den Medien vermittelten) Illusion einer 100-prozentigen Karriere und der gleichzeitigen Erfüllung einer Mutterschaft?
  • Was ist mit hormonverändernden Drogen/Medikamenten, die das psychische Wohlbefinden von Mädchen beeinflussen?
  • Was ist mit Eltern, die keine Zeit für Kinder haben, oder mit unfähigen und überforderten Lehrern?
  • Was ist mit den Medien, die Aktivisten/Terroristen verherrlichen, die keinen Hintergrund in Physik, Klimawissenschaft oder überhaupt irgendetwas Wissenschaftlichem haben, sich aber das Recht anmaßen, das Leben anderer negativ zu beeinflussen - indem sie jungen Menschen den Eindruck vermitteln, dass man nichts Schwieriges lernen und etwas leisten muss, sondern die Gesellschaft zwingen kann und ein Anrecht hat auf einen grünen Planeten, einen gut bezahlten Job, kostenlose Bildung, ein universelles Grundeinkommen, kostenlose Gesundheitsfürsorge, bezahlbaren Wohnraum usw.?


Nein, ich weiß nicht, warum Mädchen depressiv sind - dafür kann es zig Gründe geben.
Aber ich bin mir sicher, dass ich in dieser kurzen Tirade mehr mögliche Ursachen genannt habe als dieser "Autor". Was für eine Überheblichkeit und Anmaßung von Wissen...

Have a nice day,

Queridos Hiveanos

la semana pasada vi el siguiente artículo "¿Por qué nuestras chicas están tan deprimidas? Basta con mirar a estos hombres"
y, para mí, es un ejemplo de la superficialidad de los "periodistas" contemporáneos y de sus "análisis".

En este artículo, Wittenberg-Cox culpa a Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg y Marc Andreessen del aumento del número de depresiones de las niñas desde 2012, por supuesto sin ninguna prueba. Es conveniente y está de moda culpar a 3 personas blancas, masculinas y ricas. En lugar de hacer un análisis sustancial de la causa raíz solo hacen algunas afirmaciones descaradas y ofensivas y dejan que la histeria de las redes sociales haga el resto.

Musk y Zuck hablando de una pelea en jaula de artes marciales hace que las chicas se vuelvan depresivas - ¿en serio? Musk y Zuck son adultos y pueden hacer en su tiempo libre lo que quieran, siempre que sea entre adultos. Es muy poco probable que esta tontería entristezca a las chicas.

"Basta con mirar a estos hombres" - ¿Quién escribe de esa manera? ¿Es esto incapacidad o simplemente falta de voluntad para pensar?

Los medios sociales no son más que una innovación que habría surgido de todos modos (con o sin Zuck o Musk) y no desaparecerá. Los medios sociales pueden aumentar la presión social, dar a las chicas expectativas poco realistas de cómo parecer (especialmente instagram - por favor, chicas, borradlo) y potenciar declaraciones estúpidas de famosos mediocres.

Otros culpables potenciales
  • ¿Qué pasa con los políticos que ejemplifican la falta de propósito, como Trudeau, o la gerontocracia, como Biden, Olaf Scholz, Putin, Erdogan, etc.? - dando la impresión de un sistema estático sin progreso político, tecnológico o social?
  • ¿Y el movimiento feminista y la degradación de la masculinidad?
  • ¿Qué pasa con las mujeres como las Kardashian, series como "sex and the city", "friends" (donde -con el tiempo- todo el mundo se folla a todo el mundo), la ilusión de realizar el amor libre?
  • ¿Qué hay de la ilusión (dada por los medios de comunicación) de una carrera profesional al 100% mientras se experimenta realmente la maternidad?
  • ¿Qué pasa con los medicamentos que cambian las hormonas e influyen en el bienestar mental de las niñas?
  • ¿Y los padres que no tienen tiempo para sus hijos o los profesores ineptos y sobrecargados?
  • ¿Qué pasa con los medios de comunicación que glorifican a los activistas/terroristas que no tienen formación en física, ciencia climática ni nada científico en absoluto, pero que se arrogan el derecho de influir negativamente en la vida de los demás, dando a los jóvenes la impresión de que no hace falta aprender cosas difíciles, lograr algo, sino que se puede forzar a la sociedad y se tiene derecho a un planeta verde, un trabajo bien pagado, educación gratuita, una renta básica universal, asistencia sanitaria gratuita, vivienda asequible, etc.?


No, no sé por qué las chicas están deprimidas - que puede ser por zillones de razones.
Pero estoy seguro de que he presentado más causas potenciales en este breve desvarío que este "autor". Qué arrogancia y pretensión de conocimiento...

Que tenga un buen día,


This nonsense is highly unlikely to make girls sad.

Agreed. However, I don't get this:

What about the feminist movement, and the degradation of masculinity?

How does the feminist movement make women sad? And how is the feminist movement related to a degradation of masculinity?

I hope I am (was) a pioneer in the feminist movement. One of the biggest challenges I had when I entered the workforce was convincing men that my advancement did not take anything from them. I needed to work, just as they did. I needed money, just as they did. I didn't want their jobs, I wanted a job. All I wanted was the right to compete as an equal. What did that take from the men? I don't think you appreciate how hard it was for those of us who made the first steps. Denied the right to a promotion merely because we were women (not an imagined affront--told to me outright. You can't work here, or there because you are a woman. You can't attend this or that class because you are a woman.)

I think the strongest men I worked with were men who did not feel threatened by my advancement. It was only the weak ones, who were degraded by life, who felt threatened and who acted most horribly.

Maybe I misinterpreted your comment. If so, I take it all back :))

Thank you for your comment, @agmoore!

In my opinion the feminist movement had different stages, from the suffragettes in the first decades of the 20th century, over the movement of the 60s up to our times. While I think that the suffragettes and the movement of the 60s were very important and furthered equality and human rights, at some point (around 2000?) it went too far. It wasn't about equality, but about demonization of men and giving improper advantages to women. At least that's what I saw in Europe, especially Germany - where I often read in job ads "women are given preference in the event of equal suitability" and where I had 2 female professors that should never have gotten their job - damaging women and students. I think such a preferential treatment is harmful for women as women in high positions are suspected that they just got their job because they are women.
And, some feminists urge young women to pursue a career, even if there may exist young women that would prefer to be a mother and stay at home. This may give girls wrong or unrealistic expectations and put them under pressure.

I hope I am (was) a pioneer in the feminist movement. One of the biggest challenges I had when I entered the workforce was convincing men that my advancement did not take anything from them. I needed to work, just as they did. I needed money, just as they did. I didn't want their jobs, I wanted a job. All I wanted was the right to compete as an equal. What did that take from the men? I don't think you appreciate how hard it was for those of us who made the first steps. Denied the right to a promotion merely because we were women (not an imagined affront--told to me outright. You can't work here, or there because you are a woman. You can't attend this or that class because you are a woman.)

  • I can only try to imagine how hard it was to compete as a woman 3 or more decades ago. And I very much appreciate the work that was and is done to promote equality - not only between the sexes, but also between colors, ethnicities, sexual preferences, or ages.

I personally have had good experiences with female superiors and have really not felt threatened by women 😀

"women are given preference in the event of equal suitability"

Not my idea of feminism. I think that sort of approach does more harm than good. While it may offer greater opportunity to women, it does so at the expense of men.
I got my first 'real' job in 1969, on the cusp of the movement for more equality (for women). In 1970 I changed jobs because I as on a 'female' track in the first job. I sought a job in a traditionally male profession, because the pay was much better (2 1/2 times my previous salary). That's why I ran into such strong resistance. Within a few years of taking that job, EEO (Equal Employment opportunity) regulations began to appear and with it preferential treatment for women. I never availed myself of that path. The men I came to know at work had waited sometimes years for a chance to get the job. I wouldn't have wanted to be promoted ahead of them. I never put in for the promotions that might have achieved that goal. I only wanted what I deserved, what I earned, not advantage, or disadvantage.

And, some feminists urge young women to pursue a career, even if there may exist young women that would prefer to be a mother and stay at home.

This is a difficult issue, and sometimes men don't see it from a 360° perspective. A couple of issues:
Edit : I'm not sure why I looked up Sweden instead of Switzerland (it was late at night??), but some data on Switzerland has been added since I wrote this comment.

  1. Is zero or negative population growth a positive? In a developed country such as Sweden or the U.S., fertility rate needs to be about 2.1 per woman in order to replace current population. Birthrate in Sweden right now is about 1.52 per woman. Birthrate in Switzerland is 1.39 per woman Is it not good social policy to try to help women "have it all"? Nurseries at work, for example, instead of day care. Most women don't really want to send their kids to daycare, but the alternative is to give up work. A hard choice.

  2. Why is giving up work such a hard choice? Look at me. I stopped when I was 27 and went back when I was 41. Those are the career-building years. Going back meant starting all over again. Loss of pension rights. Loss of earning power. Not only that, it made me and my children dependents. What if my marriage failed? Divorce rate in Sweden in 68.2%. Divorce rate in Switzerland is 40%. In the U.S. about 50% of first-time marriages end in divorce. On the average, a divorced woman in the U.S will see a 30% decline in her income, while a man will experience a 10% increase in his. It seems clear that many of the women who choose not to 'have it all', may suffer dreadfully from that decision.

If society (at least in the U.S.) were constructed so that giving up work to have children was not so risky for women, maybe there would be less temptation to 'have it all.'

Hope I haven't gone further in these issues than you welcome. They are more than symbolic. There are real consequences for women, and men--for society--when women are forced to choose having children over career. At least that is the case in the U.S. I'm not sure about how that all works out for women in Sweden, or other developed countries.

I think incels have it worse.

I first had to google incel. That's quite possible.

All these things move for money, you just have to wonder who are the owners of these means of "communication" and beyond, who runs them and for what...


@zuerich Your comments are very accurate, I doubt that the girls are depressed by this pair of superpowers and their games in networks, unfortunately if they are depressed by other situations that are also superficial based on erroneous conjectures due to many factors, I like your article, it moves the mind!😎