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RE: Handling node issues with a game on Hive Engine

in #dev3 years ago

There are many alternative nodes that you can use. I primarily use the below.

"heNodes": [

Alternatively you can also use that has an inbuilt failover.

I personally have a script that I use in all my applications to rotate nodes when there is a failure in the current node.


Alternatively you can also use that has an inbuilt failover.

I found out about this one earlier today and started using it. I want to contact @reazuliqbal sometime to ask about how it works, specifically about how the fail over as handled. I assume it's heath checks with nginx. another node for your list.

Do you know where I can learn to build my own games on the blockchain?

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I would first recommend getting comfortable in a programming language (typically Javascript or Python) then build soemthing, anything. You will be amazed how much more you learn by building something than you do by staying in tutorial hell.

ok recommend being software where I can build some projects easily