Mastodon & the blockchain

in #developmentlast year

Hive has what mastodon has, and more. Yet the masses are clearly running to mastodon, not hive.


Image unrelated: source unknown

* * Whispers * * find me on mastodon ActivityPub friendly services @[email protected]

Ok, so... What's the deal?

Hmmm,... Who knows. Probably the shitty hive name, since our marketing campaign efforts are really paying off for hive social. Could also be people don't care to mix money and memes. Noone wants to be social with words and express themselves online. Trolls will interact with them, shaming then back into silence and lacking all creativity, oh, and why share words when you can share a meme?

Gadget 360 says that mastodon will never integrate crypto.

Ha! We're coming for you Mastodon! Integrations be damned! Sidenote: it (ActivityPub) is all open source so you can write you own gizmos and gadgets with ChatGPT easily.

That said, especially with their AntiNFT stance, worlds will soon shake when they collide. It's gonna be great!!!