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RE: Observations & Critical Thoughts on the Recent Defunding of Developer Proposals in Favour of @hbdstabilizer Experiment

in #dhf3 years ago

I'm at a spot currently where I could probably make more money doing something else but honestly building stuff on graphene is somewhat fulfilling.

Highly appreciate the support and the fact you took time out of your day to reply thoughtfully. As someone who spends waaaay too much time in front of a keyboard I can tell by your response you actually read what was written. Atleast someone did. <3

Deadlines are guidelines at best being lone dev on lots of stuff. Currently trying to juggle things and do triage to get the most pressing things done in a remotely timely manner.

The community being able to talk to developers and have the develop the feedback into improvements is a huge thing. Some guys take honest offence when you suggest changing part of their baby, I've learned to value user feedback lots over the years.

If it's not one thing.. it's another. such is life! How one adapts or reacts to the change I guess is the only metrics that matter in the end.


For sure. I really liked your proposals and how they gave back to the community in a very synergistic way. I'm sure this caught the eye of many others from the community as well, and we saw one of your proposals get funded right from day one. (The HVM one probably seems really ambitious and I guess that's why it hasn't been funded - in all such non-funded scenarios I think the best thing to do is to really actively request feedback and iterate on the idea and/or the suggested way to develop it.)

I think you may find that not a small number of people pay attention but as you said time is scarce and engaging with comments seems a luxury in many cases. But it does happen and I think the primary enabling factor for it to happen is the quality of the interaction. "If I spend 1-2 hours, will my input be taken into consideration (not accepted as it, just considered seriously) or will the person just react defensively and dismiss it so my time was wasted?" Productive people ask themselves these questions before spending time on something. If you assume ill intent, it destroys the relationship and prevents you from getting that valuable input that will help you improve.

See, I really liked how your proposals were made, and here I am writing comments in-between hugely busy days. :) Goes to show you're really doing something right.

Appreciate the honest feedback on how I'm trying to get things rolling. The Hive.Loans project was funded so quickly due to it effectively extending fixes to the "powerdown problem" with HIVE where it is perceived that having HIVE powered up increases your risk of holding the asset against large market movements. By figuring out the account as collateral lending schema was possible on HIVE programmatically through some code to use features within HIVE network itself it basically fell into place.

Hive Smart Chain or the HVM one is a brainchild of needing to decentralize the contracts or code running the above Hive.Loans service functionality. While still very much experimental research and proof of concept testnet building phase at the moment it should make HIVE as a utility token far more valuable than it currently is, out of the added utility of smart contract execution powered by the HIVE token. Without a way to execute smart contracts on HIVE we're basically doomed as far as I see it, making a side chain to add these features to HIVE seemed the only logical course of action. By requiring nodes to stake HIVE on the side chain to produce blocks and charging HIVE as gas fees to use the Hive Virtual Machine functionality it should drive demand plus make it viable financially to run nodes in the long run.

Assumptions are the mother of all fuckups or something along those lines, certainly am guilty of making assumptions as it's human nature for the most part but agree with you on the time / cost benefit equation that goes into making decisions a lot of the time.

Cheers captain.