
Thank you! I only learned that when I growed up! You can get them at the McGregor market on a Saturday! #justsaying 🤣

I really need to visit there! I always drive past there and never stop. Next time! And yes, olives are adult snacks! For some reason haha

Good. You just take the turning that takes you through the mountains towards the sea... Look forward to that!

We surely live in a slice of heaven right? I am up north in Gauteng for a while but things on this side are dead and warm. There in the Cape life is just different, at least for me.

You know, I lived in Joburg in the mid-80s to early 90s. I loved it. I missed the energy and the buzz when I left. That said, I'd not exchange my little cabbage patch for city living again! Life is definitely different in the Cape!

Same here, but I could never really grasp or hold onto the chaos and buzzing. My most creative thoughts come from the ocean breeze and the smell of flowers in the mountains!