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RE: Still on my way home! A 2024 update for the time capsule 2044

in #diary3 months ago

when i think of hive i think of you first ahaha.

I appreciate hearing that.

many houses huh? i got some major catching up to do which is fine, we got the time now

Good luck/have fun reading a couple of 100 of posts ;<)

Waiting for a potential future homestead to welcome you to when we finally meet for real.

And vice versa!

Good to know you're out there still, feels like continuing a saga of sorts.

I never really left ( a month has been my record ). This place is like Hotel California to me. You can check out any time you like but...

Nice to be in touch again, buddy!


mad respect for all that endurance. i needed the break when other things came up but this place has not lost any of its appeal, i'm quite happy to say