Empowering the Businesses on the Right Digital Marketing Channels

in #digital5 years ago

Let's be honest here. Most business (at least in my country) are made to spend so much funds on facebook and google Ads, but without much reasearch on how such advertising will benefit the company. 

A local travel operator in Thamel paid more than 100 US Dollars to a digital marketing company for running a facebook ad. The company came up with a post and a nice graphics, and boosted it on the social media. As a result, the post was viewed by more than 10,000 people. However, something didn't work out at the end - Nobody converted. The company didn't get 1 person dropping a booking, or a enquiry. Heck, nobody even messaged them to ask anything about the company or the services that they were promoting. And this is gone for a while.

What didn't work in this approach of marketing? Seems like the company that undertook the responsibility of digital marketing completely disregarded the marketing funnel.

Enter Seo Sansar, a newly founded company that focused on the right channels of digital marketing. Because running an advertisement comes second to focusing on the business goals. Organic Searches are getting more and more powerful. And no business can succeed without harnessing the power of content and inbound marketing.

For instance, we are giving away SEO and Content marketing knowledge free from our blog section.  And this is helping us gain the confidence and attention for public. We are bridging the marketing hole. Two blogs that we wrote are receiving positive feedback from the community. The first one is about Optimizing Blog using Wordpress and Yoast while the second one is about understanding the Search Engine Optimization Facts.

Our business slogan: Knowledge is free, pay for the skills. :-) Because it doesn't make sense to do a business that can't fill the existing gap. We are here to fill that gap.