Can you please crowd fund a dreamer? or Can you promote it in your Circles?

in #digitalcosmos8 years ago

Yes, I am a Dreamer, rather ambitious dreamer. I have worked in a government sector for 30 long years. Having got suffocated in the limited thinking environment, resigned with huge dreams of making it big on Internet.

Left my 5000$ a month day job, to pursue my dream DigitalMarketing and Domain Investing businesses. With experience in exploring Internet deeply for 20 long years since 1995 and having got trained by world top DigitalMarketers in Digital Marketing, I was and I am very confident of making it huge on Internet as my own domain says along with other 1000 premium domains, each having a potential of a million dollar business per year. Our domains cover all top niches of the present Digital Marketing eco system and cover all demographics.

Some of our top domains are:,,,,,,,, many football and golf domains and engineering and solar domains are there in our list of premium domains.

With the experience in Oil and Gas sector Electrical and Cathodic Protection field and Engineering Degree in Electrical Engineering along with 20 years of vast experience in Internet and all areas of DigitalMarketing, we are heading towards the ultimate success as our company name says DigitalCosmos.

We are committed to bring the world class DigitalExperience to the door step of every human being on earth, irrespective where he lives and what is financial status. Every one deserves and need the fruits of Digital Revolution that is taking the world by storm and we took the step to fulfill that need.

But, as every one knows, the world is always suffering from the Inertia, whenver a breakthrough opportunity comes and it takes even decades during present lightning speed business times also.

Same is happening with much deserving ngTLD and NotCom domains. They are the saviours of Internet and going to beautify the Internet experience and also going to simplify the way we browse and use Internet.

With their straightforward, simple, short, beautiful, meaningful and defining the business characteristic they deserve a great welcome fromt he whole world. But as the awareness of Domain Name power is not there in the general public, for most of whom Domain Names are rocket science.

Now, is the need for most of us, to elevate these ngTLD NotCom domains to get them their deserving place on Internet. We took the responsibility as we love them for their potential and have invested every penny of our life in them.

We invite people with good heart and understanding either to invest in us to promote, or to donate us as we need lot of money for developing these domains in to global standard websites.

We advise every one to grab the domains of your niche and your business before some one takes them away, you can use, etc., registrars where these newgTLD domains are available.

Please do visit to see our portfolio:,,

Our paypal: [email protected] Our BITCOIN: 3H4r7YAz8onsvAnqQVfApn5TarvY7mk29C