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RE: FYI - Now I talk back and I've been known to hold grudges (Cleverbot AI+Blacklist)

in #discordia7 years ago (edited)

I mean no disrespect to you @discordia but this just confuses the heck outta me.

Maybe it's me but now I don't even know if I'm addressing the man I see in Discord general chat right now or a bot crated by @ausbitbank.

I'm trying hard to comprehend the voting bots here and there are so many. I'm a registered member of MSP and the P.A.L. network and have been for almost a month now but have yet to use the upvote trail service for myself.

Heck I don't even know if all the different voting trails are run by bots...or just one bot to rule them all. Maybe yer all bots here and I've fallen into some weird matrix created by my own mind.

Perhaps this is all a dream? If so please unplug my brainstem. }:-)>

                  ~may all confusion cease...and let me have peace~