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in #diy8 months ago

Linseed oil paint often requires several thin coats too, but the colour is very saturated right off the bat. If you hate waiting for paint to dry, this one ain’t it for you, it takes sooooo long. Though your climate is probably more favourable 😅

I unravelled the top part of my latest project three times and now only have the collar to make. But I’m afraid I made the whole thing too small and might have to start all over. That’s what you get for freehanding it! How do you prevent sweaty hands if you knit in the summer? 😂😅


Lol, ok maybe I'm just really impatient when it comes to painting stuff. I'll still give it a try though as it seems like a better option than enamel.

Seriously? Three times? Yes, you definitely have more patience than I do. I can't handle having to pull out knitting, it feels awful. Well if it's too small for your man, would it fit you?

Sweaty hands? I just end up washing my hands a lot. Apparently there is chalk that you can use, but I haven't gone that route (yet) 😉