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RE: Wardrobe Malfunction

in #diylast year

It's a great solution and looks pretty funky too. Well done to you and that fella! It's also a good idea to do a cull now and then, although it can be hard I guess, especially if things still fit and look good.

I did a massive cull as I was running out of wardrobe space a while back. Got rid of everything except one shirt, pair of jeans, one pair of socks and boxers and one pair of shoes. I have loads of wardrobe space now, but on laundry day when things are in the washing machine it makes things a little awkward when I go out. It seems walking around in Australia with nothing but a pair of sneakers on is frowned upon. 😁


I will keep everything that actually ”sparks joy”, but what I find hardest is having to keep functional yet not that great clothes. Like multible thin long sleeves tops that are a little warm and alone look ugly but you need those to wear under wool sweaters in the winter. And then there are the ”I don’t care what happens to them” clothes that are good for work and painting.

I’m surprised, if there is any place accepting of public nudity, I would have guessed it’s Australia.

Yep, we all have required clothes, stuff we need to keep for whatever reason. I've got a few items I don't care about, like for working in the garden, cleaning guns and all. Also, a few items I just can't get rid of. I have a draft post about one such item I'll post it when I decide to. Someday.

I’m surprised, if there is any place accepting of public nudity, I would have guessed it’s Australia.

Actually, I was joking...everyone gets around naked here. 😊