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RE: DIY Upholstered Velvet Bench with Storage (+mini rant)

in #diy9 months ago

You've done a really great interior design job on your house...I have visions of that all getting pushed aside so you can fit all your DIY tools in though, you're amassing a lot I'd say. Lolled at "dowel thingy." Everyone needs one right? Although, I'll be honest and say I don't have a dowel jig, but now I need one in my life just to be as cool as you.

This is a great DIY project and even though you could have bought one for less...I still think it was worth the effort and cost to have done it yourself. Aslo, it would make a great storage space to keep your tools and DIY stuff handy. Lol.

Good work Eve!


Haha I’m always changing where I make my projects so there is a huge pile of mess on one side of the room for a while, and then it migrated to somewhere else. I’m starting to build more storage soon so some day I will actually have a place to put everything in!

Definitely worth the money, I know I wouldn’t get exactly what I wanted for 215€ from the store. This has a lot more space inside than most that I have seen. I’m trying to keep the DIY tools away from the bedroom, so at least one room is nice and peaceful 😂

One day you'll have every room finished and you'll have nowhere to move your migrating DIY stuff! #outtdoorworkshop

You've done really well with that storage box and if you manage to keep all your tools and stuff out of the bedroom...I'll give you 9.5/10!

There is no such thing as fully finished interiors! We have a cellar and attic that are mostly unfinished, so this house will never be done 😂

An Eve is never content. 😉

There is work to be done!

It's never ending right?