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RE: ”Well That Escalated Quickly…”

in #diy8 months ago

Ah ok, that makes sense.

I have insulation through every internal and externally facing wall and the ceiling also in my houses, it helps with noise reduction and heat transfer which can be really important here considering the temperatures we reach in summer; it keeps the cost of air conditioning down through efficiency as you can imagine.

I was just curious I guess, so your lecture was warranted. Lol.

Boots, yeah that's smart...and yep, that fibreglass insulation is a bugger of a thing to work with. Good luck with that.


You kind of have the exact opposite problems with weather and temperature than we do here, but I think the solutions are probably not too far apart.

You know aircon is not a big thing here in Finland. Where I grew up there was no need for it (timber frame house just like this), but in an apartment building in the city summer is often not very pleasant. Aircons are definitely getting more popular here too as the summers have been a bit warmer and most of the people live in concrete buildings with big windows that heat up like a motherfucker.

One would think I’d be extra careful with that insulation when I’ve dealth with skin issues all my life, but nope, I was wearing a t-shirt and no mask. YOLO!

When I was in Finland last time it was quite warm, 28C and I certainly felt the lack of air conditioning in the place I stayed and my brother's apartment also. It was the same in the UK, few places had AC.

T-shirt and no mask...don't make me have to give you another talking to like I had to with the boots. 🙄