

Thank you, for seeing my TAG, and coming to visit. I think @wanderingmoon is really just following her fascination of electronics. As well as trying to bring a light to refurbishment of things people think is junk. I'll let her answer, of course! Good to see your words, brother!


jacobpeacock, wesphilbin sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/10) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

I do see where the ethernet cord would plug into but it has been connecting without the need for one since I got it up and running. I thank you for telling me the cord I would need. I do not think I have that one. I will check. I also know it would be cheap enough to get a card but I do not see where or how I would even plug it in.

And Yes to all of what @wesphilbin said. 😃
I used my (currently active) REVVL V phone to take the picture.