
Sadly, they stopped thinking long ago, and just parrot what they are told to 'think' to support the party line!

But if good Men say 'No More', and refuse to do as they are told; we can still recover this mess! We need to pray for GOD to heal our land, and stop buying from 'woke' companies.


Definitely sure sir. You're right ❤

The boycotting is critical, because they must have cash to push their immorality!


You are absolutely right, as long as they have money, they will not stop their actions..!

Tenacious boycotting, combined with legal action if they slander us, will bring liberals to their knees! They need to be financially destitute, ASAP....


Sir really your saying right .But now the time has come for us people to get out of words and act on them and take them with open arms.

Taking decisive action to deplete the liberal companies is necessary right now! WE have to get active, and vote with our money every day. If enough of us do this it will change the face of industry!
