Trying out my new Cutter

in #diy8 months ago


I had just ordered a new set of cutters for me- gold fish ones and decided to try it out.

The thing is, I never really was able to get it into my mind to use releasing agents when using this so, at the beginning of my project, these are all my tools:


I learned from my experience and decided to use some baby powder. Why not cornstarch, baking powder or any other releasing agent- well because they smell good and, I am not really looking forward to cleaning up post crafting session.


A closer look at the clay before I start cutting it.

Pre baking look.


Post baking look.


I would have glazed this and added a few more things along the way but,, I am just trying my new cutters......

Anyway,moral lesson of the day: use releasing agents when using a cutter.


A koi ! Very nice and the baby powder is a great hack

smells great too!