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RE: Mercantile Finds & Butter Recipe

in #diy7 years ago

That meal looks amazing!

I didn't know you could rinse the butter and then set it out to dry after separation. I always just strain the buttermilk out and put the rest in the fridge. (I also cheat and use my food processor instead of shaking) It's still good though.

Last time I made butter it was for making from scratch poundcake to go with fresh picked strawberries.

Salad looks awesome too, we do a similar one in summer with grilled peach, arugula, mozzarella and prosciutto. So tasty.

There's just something so satisfying about making your own homemade ingredients and meals, right!?

Great post!


Poundcake and fresh strawberries....sounds amazing! I love making homemade meals, you are right so satisfying.