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RE: Brock Pierce: The Hippie King of Cryptocurrency – Rolling Stone

in #dlike6 years ago

That's an interesting quote.

Yeah, Brock is a very controversial figure. If you want to hear him speak, you can (kind of) hear him on this recording I made from my phone:


Ha-ha! loved his DC-Marvel reference to Puerto Rican 'magic' :-)

There was a lot of noise in the background but if I listened closely, I could get the gist of what he was saying. In the video, I am not sure but he came across a bit soft-spoken. The other snippet/video of him in the post suggested something else.

He also made a lot of historically correct references and that is something I like..... kinds of shows the depth of a persons understanding. It's simple but not everybody can actually relate the historical events in a present day conversation. Its usually scripted or the guy actually knows his stuff. Looked like the latter to me.

Yeah, he seems like a pretty sharp dude.