
Authenticity BOT!
Great job! We found more similar posts, but your post is the 1st one posted.

GrumpyCat /
can give you a downvote because of the copies!
Defend yourself! /

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@bodhi.agora its been a while since ive seen u on here

Yup, it's the Dlive booster. 😊

The commies that are like that are Nazbols and Strasserites. It's trippy

It is in both the left and the right.

Everybody is a dude to me also. I'm from California. Lol

I call everyone dude too. ☺️

Paradigms will shift regardless if you shift with them or not.

We're live every tuesday!

I'm here now. 😊

WOooooo Ty!

That's true. Lol😂

I call my girlfriends dude and they don't even trip it's pretty normal here.

Good show guys. 😊

Followed! 😊

Good post!
If you want to improve your payouts you can read this SteemIt Guide:

Ultimate guide to SteemIt /