The 5 Shooting Stars Of Steem - Busy, dMania, DTube, DLive and Utopian

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)


Steemit is like a Hydra - an ecosystem with many heads. You can earn tons of Steem with the platforms @utopian-io, @dtube, @dlive, @dmania and Let's have a look at their loaded potential listed from smallest to largest Steem Power amount. - Steemit's Little Sibling

Steem Power: 223K (Check)

Busy was one of the first new platforms next to Steemit. It was developed with a more mass market friendly user experience in mind. Steemit is complicated. Busy tries to simplify it with a different User Interface but the same content. On Busy you also got the upvote slider right from the start while on Steemit it requires 500 Steem Power to be activated.

To get rewarded by Busy all you need to do is post from there and use the tag #busy as one of your five possible tags. It doesn't have to be the first. The upvote weight you receive on your post depends on the combined Steem Power of all your followers. The more they have the higher your upvote will be. You can only receive an upvote once a day.

dMania - Share Funny Memes

Steem Power: 622K (Check)


On dMania you can share Memes like funny animated GIFs, pictures with text and videos. It is as simple and straightforward as that. You have no body text for your post and only the visual content. Browsing through the contributions is very clear with no further disctracting elements. And upvoting has a cool count up animation.

The clou of dMania is the sponsorship model. With that 15% of all author rewards are collected and returned to the Steem Power delegators. So if you want to support this platform you can become a delegator yourself and earn some Steem Power with it. To get rewarded by dMania you have to be selected manually by the @dmania account. Creative, self-made and dMania branded content has probably the best chances of getting one of the massive upvotes.

DTube - The Fastest Growing Steem Platform

Steem Power: 1.033K (Check)


The decentralized video platform has transformed itself within a few months into an expontentially growing driver for recruiting new Steemians. Many just create a Steemit account to get access to DTube. And rightfully so: The website is delivering a stable service and intuitive user experience by combining the Steem blockchain with the Inter Planetary File System (IPFS), a decentralized file sharing system. This allows for a unique opportunity to spread video content censorship free and moneytize it more effectively than with the market leader. You are sharing 25% of all author rewards with the platform to support its development and server costs.

With one million Steem Power they are actively upvoting much of the video content every day. Receiving just a 5-10% upvote can be worth a tremendous amount and is often paired with many more upvotes following from the DTube and Steemit connections. The best videos even receive huge upvotes and dominate the Steemit trending page. However, due to close to one video per minute the battle for attention has already started and will only get more.

DLive - Live-Streaming For Steem

Steem Power: 2.051K (Check)

Still a baby amongst giants but already mightier than most: DLive is offering live-streaming services for the Steem blockchain. You can pair it with the free open-source tool Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) and stream your desktop, webcam, games and whatever your desire. You have a chat window and a donation button and your stream will be highlighted on the front page while being live.

The potential for this behemoth is massive but currently the page is still in its infancy and needs more functionality to become the true power house it potentially will be. To earn one of the giant upvotes you can enter their challenges and qualify yourself for it. Check out their profile @dlive for news about their latest rewards. Keep a close eye on this one as it might be super profitable as long as the competition is still low. - Open Source Rewarded

Steem Power: 3.744K (Check)

The biggest platform on the Steem blockchain in terms of Steem Power and close to DTube in terms of contributions. Here you can earn a massive amount of Steem for contributing to open source projects. Not just Steem-based but any kind of software and tools are valid here and the contributors are earning GUARANTEED upvotes if they successfully follow the rules. A big team of moderators works around the clock to make sure the quality is insured and only deserving post receive the automatic upvotes from the Utopian bot.

Every day the account is upvoting posts with a current value of $10.000 in Steem split between all contributors. You don't have to be a programmer to participate: graphic designers, translators, tutorial writers, bug hunters and more categories are available to choose from. You can even create your very own open source project and find developers and designers to realize it. All parties are greatly rewarded by the Utopian bot and can proceed without external money.


These five platforms are amazing opportunities to earn some Steem - probably better than Steemit itself. On Steemit you have to compete against all other accounts while on the smaller plaforms you can still find new audiences much faster. Be smart and produce content for one or several of them and kick-start your Steem career by earning some delicious Steem Power yourself.


Excellent and steemgigs (Fiverr of steem) is also developing a platform and we soon see it's launch and i think it will be another good shooting star of steem, thanks for sharing this nice information with us, Stay blessed

About time. I am waiting for this half a year now. :)

Thank you for the explanation! You have summarize it very well so that newbies can easily choose the best platform for themselves. This can surely help Steemit community to grow faster and better =)

I hope it will reach many people! :)

Hi @flauwy. I'm a little confused about using busy. If I post a post there, does it automatically get shown on Steemit or do I need to write different posts for busy?

Also, do Steemit and Busy share the same wallet?

Thanks for your help!

You must understand that all platforms based on Steem share the same blockchain, the same login, the same wallet, the same followers and the same mechanics.

Everything you post on Busy will be visible on Steemit and vice versa.

Thanks for this response because am also confused about it

@flauwy you are doing a great job. And i want to let you know you are one of my role models on steemit. If you dont mind you can visit my blog and check out the latest content and what i said about you, @jerrybandfield and @valorforfreedom.. So far as a starter is it has always been a wonderful experience.. Though i am still in the learning process..

I am me @brightfame

Thanks, that is very kind of you!

Love the tags, they make it easy to remember the platforms. Thank you!!!!

I wish dlive would make it possible to stream with the classic obs. Obs studio is known to cut frames in half although having a decent rig. This is a problem for gameplay streamers who dont own a 2nd computer that does the streaming.

Thanks for enlightening me

Hey Flo!

You're an experienced guy, so tell me... Is something wrong on my end or is esteem a bugfest for now?

Not saying a bad thing about it, but don't know if it's my phone that isn't capable of running it properly or if it does have some bugs.

Do you use it?

eSteem is actually one of the biggest apps I haven't tested yet. I find it so annyoing to post text-based content via the phone that this was never an option for me.

Recently, I am using busy most of the time . It has great features.

Me too. I have written this post there. :)

I'm into the first 4 platforms, and i'm thinking what can i contribute to I'm not a technical wiz nor a programming bloke, but i love to write and translate and just help with all the best i can. :D

Perfect skills to make some Steem on Utopian!

Thank you for the post! Really gives an helpful overview of the popular services around the blockchain :) I didnt even know that there is a streaming platform, gotta check that out right now

Yes, DLive is an awesome project. I find it still a bit limited but the developers are working on it. Sadly it is not open source as Steemit, Busy, DTube and Utopian are.

Currently, if I try to watch someone, it is laggy as hell. Gonna look forward for that progress

Thanks for sharing! Something has been bugging me a bit though. After my Dlive stream ended, the broadcast went offline and never came back up. I'm seeing that with newer videos of others as well. So, are the videos that are actually viewable on the website currently uploads? I'm a bit confused.

It is a mess right now. After the stream the video is gone and only available for the user in the profile for download. Then you have the option to reupload it for long-term storage, creating a second post entry. They promised to change that in the future.

Thanks for sharing! So, I guess I have to do the second post entry then. Unfortunately my first Dlive was very poor quality because of my internet connection, so I'm gonna have to fix that issue first.

which one do you think is going to be the rocking one i think dtube and dmania

DTube without a doubt!

This îs a very Good explained post. Im a music producer So What u advice me To do for example on utopia-Io ? Or whatever i used dsound but still a low reward And low retention :(

Upload your music on DTube for now. :)

Thank you for This idea :) i will do it i want To make some tutorials Also But i donot have a microphone yet :) My mic îs broken And îs To much expenssive for me To fix it :| i will try My best :)

All steemians should know about these!

Every single one of them! ;)

Really informative post ! I've only known But there are a lot more sub platform 😂

And there are many more I haven't even mentioned yet. ;)

To get the #busy upvote, don't you also have to post using the interface?

To get rewarded by Busy all you need to do is post from there ...

Yes ;)

Great rundown of these awesome additions to the Steem blockchain! Thanks!

Sure thing and more to come. ;)

Hello @flauwy,

Really much informative details about amazing plateforms here on Steemit. I did not know much about them, but now after reading your post in details. i gain much about them.

"The five shooting stars next to it are @utopian-io, @dtube, @dlive, @dmania and"

They all have impressive services here in Steemit, and now have a big contribution in the progress and development of this plateform and Steem Community. I Appreciated and Love them all. Thanks For sharing useful infos.


Steem On.!

Thanks Rabeel, Steem on!

You got a 0.69% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @flauwy! Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

Love this post amazing.

I am using busy. I like because is more friendly and useful features

Thanks for sharing this, I find all these useful and this prompt me to try #Dmania for the first time and i find it interesting.

It is lovely that more and more new tool are developed!


Rewards Pool Farmer Alert

check out the comments section of @ryacha21 above. (

He is leasing 30k SP from @minnowbooster then using that to VOTE Up his own 7 Day old comments on random posts at the last minute. Scroll his comments to around the 6 day mark or just go to; he has a lot of self love on his own old comments.

HE IS DOING IT OVER AND OVER AND OVER.. He is farming the pool.. If you could help it would be appreciated..

Learn more about this sack of monkey spunk here:

Also kinda a dick move to use the actual good post of another person to post a comment for no other reason to come back and farm it later.

Post Author, @flauwy I do apologize.. This dude makes no actual articles of his own so the only way to draw attention to what he is doing is to comment his comments. My sincerest apologies for cluttering up your blog, outing the abusive self voting behavior of @ryacha21

I think it is more abusive what you do, playing moral police and trying to make others start a witch hunt.

What you do is spying on others and pointing fingers. In East-Germany that behaviour was rewarded by the State security (Stasi) and led to neighbors spy on neighbors and brothers spy on brothers. After the wall came done the spies became the outcasts.

Think about that.

Not playing moral police, per say.. I am pointing out abusive practices that are intentionally done in such a way as to hurt the platform. If he chooses to self vote, then do it on the first day, not the 7th 1 hour before it is due to pay out. Also perhaps upvote others as opposed to going straight to Bittrex with every penny from his abusive practices or perhaps invest in the platform and make a better community for us all and one that will last. Think about this. If everyone acted in the same form and fashion as the user described above, simply leased SP, self upovoted and sold.. then steem, SBD etc would suffer badly, as would the site. It would also at that point be nothing more than a glorified ponzi scheme.

There are certain community standards that we should all strive to uphold here. It's not being the Moral Police to point out a user that is intentionally acting in a way that is deceptive and serves to benefit no one but himself.

As a writer here, I would also be miffed is someone came to my blog and left a "hollow comment" with no purpose other than to upovote it for their own personal gain at a later point irrespective of the effort that I put into actually writing the article and trying to better the platform.

Yes I am aggressive in tactics at times, but most often the serve to benefit us. Take for example his current SteemD.. he has for the moment at least began seriously upvoting other users as a result of me pointing out his abusive self voting practices. Now at least some other users are getting benefit from his leased SP and the wealth is being spread around a bit. Is it a hollow gesture on his behalf to only hid is previous actions? Yes.. but at least some others will feel some benefit now.

So I don't feel bad.. I'm not worried about being an outcast, as there are many more that approve of my efforts to help the community.

I do appreciate your comments though and I thank you for sharing your opinion..:)

This is amazing. Just created a dmania account. lets see how this go's.

This post has received a 24.59 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @flauwy.

so much steem power in one post :D this is really cool

dear friend @flauwy

your work is well you are very intellengt writer i hope your success is very soon?? Thank you i support you everytime but i want to you support me alltime thanks for this post,,,,

so many amazing platforms its all good to see them helping everyone

content creators really got the golden chance with them to showcase the real talent

wall i now dtube and the rest of other stars are nw for me i hard for the first time about them

@flauwy beautiful analysis, I never knew about until this post, I stumbled upon dLive and also dtube few days back, I have seen a couple of post on utopian, but I guess utopian is for the #steemgigs who know more than the average about web development and bugs. These are all support open source contribution with the common aim -decentralization of power. This is just amazing.

Very insightful... I think I will try busy. I run out of steem power too fast and I need to be able to use the slider now. This might come in handy. Thanks for the post.

This is hands down the best description of the five platforms I've read to date. Thanks for your effort and clarity.

Upvoted and followed.

very nice, I see your posts add to the science and I'll try it that way, maybe I'm still a beginner, if you have time to spare can be guided me and sharing our knowledge and we can share knowledge news about steemit.

That was good and kind of you @flauwy keep it up.hope to learn more from you as a new entrant thumb_up

your post is very very informative. every steemit member needed to know. specials thanks for writing and sharing.

Cheers for the insights on the different projects.
It's much clearer for me now.