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RE: Best Live Streaming Platform for Investing, Growth, and Charity?

in #dlive6 years ago

Thank you Jerry. I know you get a lot of shit for your Steem evangelism, but I appreciate what you do. Thank you for teaching, educating & having changed my perspective a time or two.

I'm a little creeped out that when I read this, I could almost hear it in your voice. I don't even catch that many vids, but I think that's kind of awesome actually. Struggling to find my own voice has really cockblocked me from writing, so I admire that you've found yours & are able to convey it in multiple ways.

I think it was a video on the beach about body acceptance & the artwork we create that has stuck with me the most. I may be confusing vids, but it was a tiny moment that blew my mind enough that I can't remember it in detail. It comes to me in small moments & I break habits that no longer work for me.

I hope my awkward fangirl oversharing isn't too off-putting. It's meant from a space of love & working through all the stuff that keeps us from our best life & a moment of appreciation/recognition for the part you've played in my growth & education. So thanks again.


PS: the link on this bit "Will you join us to learn more about because we might discover..." doesn't lead where you want it to yet.